Tuesday 24 December 2013


Munguin doesn't much go for all this Christmas stuff. He thinks that it just disrupts life (and he has to give Tris the day off, and with pay too!)

He, as a political beastie, is also very aware that while he is sitting comfortably in Munguin Towers with peons serving him food and wine, there are many people out there who don't have his luck and who are cold and hungry on Christmas day.

There are kids who didn't get any presents; there are old people who will spend the day alone wrapped in coats and hats; there are people at the start of their adult lives who, despite working hard in the period up to Christmas, will only barely have enough to feed themselves, and who may have gone without so their kids could have a present or two. 

Munguin knows a guy who, a few years ago, walked 5 miles to work and 5 miles back every day in December, through rain and wind, to save money for presents.

He understands that Independence won't solve all the problems that make our country one of the most unequal in the developed world, with people like David Cameron and Iain Duncan Smith, Prince William and Kate Middleton, and of course Munguin himself, being able to push the boat out with an orgy of food and drink excess, while others shiver, treat themselves to a plate of hot porridge and go to bed early to save electricity.

However, it will give us the tools to start to address some of the iniquitous conditions that people in Scotland live in. 

As a member of the British government recently said: London is sucking the life out of the rest of the UK.

We should cut its straw.

All that said, Munguin has instructed me to thank his readers for their support throughout the year, and say that he hopes they will have the kind of festive season that they wish for themselves, be that riotous or quiet. 

He also hopes that in the nearly 9 months to come, we will all redouble our efforts to get freedom for our country so that by next Christmas he we can start to put things right again.

Frohe Weihnachten 
Mele Kalikimaka
Joyeux Noël
Feliz Navidad
Feliz Natal
Καλά Χριστούγεννα 
Nollaig Shona 
Gleðileg jól 
Nadelik Lowen
(with grateful thanks to Google Translate!)


  1. Just think, this could be our last Christmas as a 'United Kingdom'! One may hope! ;)

    1. I'll drink to that.

      Have a lovely Christmas Dean...

  2. Merry Christmas Tris. Keep up the good work with the blog. Best wishes for a prosperous and independent New Year.

    Dean I think I will drink to that.

    1. You too Dubs.

      I've always meant to stop the blog, but I guess, we'll have to keep going till the end of September; then maybe Munguin can pay me off!!!

    2. Nay time for a schive now as history has to made next year.

    3. Aye Aye Sir... Munguin's will plough onward, fear ye not.

  3. Happy Saturnalia Tris.
    Bah humbug,
    Eech meech hens keech toley bum fart.

    1. Eh right Jutie...

      Hae a guid aine an a'

  4. Munguin and Tris and all the readers have a lovely Christmas and let's make 2014 a year Scotland will never forget.

    1. I'm drinking to that too PP... Happy Christmas to you.

  5. Happy festivities to all in the world and lets change the world next year with a resounding YES in September 2014.

    1. Let's indeed, CH.

      We can do it. We shall do it.

      Have a great day...

  6. Merry Christmas Tris. And also to all friends (and sparring partners) of Munguin's Republic.

    As for another exotic way to say it....from the FAR Western Americans: "Mele Kalikimaka." The Hawaiian language isn't spoken in Honolulu these days I'm told, and no I'm not enjoying the warm tropical breezes of December in Hawaii. But I understand that the President is enjoying it very much. He has a big airplane that takes him there nonstop.

    Best wishes on the 2014 independence vote too.

    1. Thank you Danny. I've added it into the list above where there was a suitable (if somewhat unexplained) space.

      You never know. Maybe Mr Obama is reading it and wondering where his native language is on Munguin's Republic.

      Well Mr President, thanks to one of your loyal Missourians, it is there. Munguin says lunching and a photo op in the Rose Garden would be acceptable on his next visit to DC.

      He, of course, has taken off in his private helicopter for the Principality of Monaco, where he will be the guest of the Prince.

      Anyway, we send our fond wishes across the very choppy Atlantic Ocean, where i hope it finds you tomorrow with a sack full of presents.


  7. Tris...I'm sure that Mr. Munguin's WH invitation will soon be in the mail. In the meantime, he'll doubtless enjoy Monaco with the Prince.

    1. I'd not be surprised if the principality becomes a republic, Danny. He's a rather managing beast is Munguin. Likes to be in charge. Tell Obama to watch out.

    2. He has razor sharp teeth as well for shredding better together leaflets for his compost bin.

    3. Sounds like Munguin's heart is definietly in the right place. :-)

    4. LOL CH, you should see him go through them!

      Dunno about his heart Danny (actually wasn't sure he had one), but his teeth certainly are in the right place!!

  8. Wot happened to my festive greetings way up earlier in the post. Bloody GCHQ again?

    1. Ah. You've obviously hit the nail on the head. NSA and GCHQ are keeping a close eye on this blog.

      Knowing you, you probably said something subversive and it's been shredded by something even sharper than Munguin's teeth!

      Anyway, joyeux noel, Urchin... After 2 days of horrible storms, wind and sleet, etc, (and last night the wind was so fierce that I couldnt sleep for the rattling), it's a beautiful day here. The sun is shining, the sky is clear...

      Have a nice day... and don't get too drunk!

    2. Try again to finish my post which seems to be working from my Notebook but was buggered up early this morning on the iPad.

      I had my Xmas dinner late Tuesday Night and as the designated driver actually managed to stay stone cold sober for the drive home.

      Rematch at 13:00 hours here and I am not driving so, ignore all and any posts I make after that timestamp.

      If anyone would like some background music this day and want to be a bit, middle class adventurous try Pink Martini on Grooveshark ( or whatever) and their album Joy To The World


      Joyeux Noël a tous.

    3. Ahhhh. A sober Urchin! Well, yesterday anyway.

      Thanks for the music hint, and have a nice drunken day...

    4. The music is lovely...some beautiful harmonies...:)

    5. It was lovely thanks and I drank only as correct at the table. Right now there is a sween of unfinished bottles or good wine but the food is still lying in there and the wine seems unnecessary.

    6. How incredibly sensible...



    The Point (Facebook site)

    Chosen exclusively by your votes, in third place

    Alistair 'yer jobs are going to Portsmouth' Carmichael with 18% of the vote.

    In second place, George 'it'll be like Brigadoon' Galloway, with 24% of the vote.

    But resoundingly, in first place, due to his unique combination of rancid Unionist opportunism, bend over service to the British Establishment, and sheer unadulterated tubeness, on 44% of the total vote, the Winner of Unionist Tube of the Year 2013 is....(drum roll, expectant pause) Ian 'Salmond is like Hitler' Davidson!!

    Full results as follows:

    Ian Davidson
    93 votes

    George Galloway
    50 votes

    Alistair Carmichael
    38 votes

    David Cameron
    20 votes

    Michael Kelly
    11 votes

  10. Bom Natal Munguin (Sire?)
    And also to Tris and the rest of the Republic's citizen army (yes, even our resident enemy at the gate, Niko)!

    Thanks for all last year's blogging Tris and looking forward to reading your analysis of our crushing victory over the forces of Evil next September! Shall we say, a week or two post event, in order to allow for a 'reasonable and achievable' hangover recovery period!

    Thanks again everybody. Have a Great Christmas (but drink lots of water and get plenty of sleep)!


    1. Munguin always takes water in his whisky, braco

      I'm looking forward to writing that analysis of the crushing victory :)

      Have as good day in the sun!

  11. Merry Christmas Tris and seasons greetings to all other independence supporters.
    Here's hoping for Christmas in an independent Scotland in the future !

    1. Thanks Monty. Have a great day and, yes, next year will be the first independent Christmas... :)
