Another week, another Lords' scandal. This fine figure of a man is the Noble Lord Rosser (with an R). He is also known among his noble friends as The Hon Baron Rosser of Ickenham in the London Burgh of Hillingdon.
The good lord is an ex-trade unionist, who in his day, railed against the fat cats who rode the gravy train. But in a typical case of poacher turned gamekeeper, on his appointment to the House of Lords in 2004, Rosser got himself a first class return ticket on that transport of delight.
It seems that in 2007 the noble Baron bought himself a flat in Chippingham, Wiltshire, for the sum of £240,000, whilst retaining the four-bedroomed “family home” in the capital. He then informed the House of Lords authorities that his main residence was, in fact, in Wiltshire. This meant that he was able to avail himself of the £174 a night accommodation allowance available to members of the upper house whose main residence is not in London. So what happens is he lives in his Ickenham family home and pockets the cash that we have generously made available for the payment of hotel bills.
Nice one Fat Cat.
Thus far only records for the year 2007-2008 are available and they show that Rosser (with an R) claimed a total of £19,461 without having to show receipts. If he has continued to claim at the same rate he may have made off with somewhere in the region of £50,000.
As is the story with so many of these peers who are taking us for monkeys, his neighbours at his London home say that he still lives there, and neighbours at his “flat of convenience” say that he is rarely to be seen.
Needless to say Lord Rosser (with an R) says that he has done nothing wrong. He issued a statement to that effect through the House of Lords authorities saying that he was on the electoral register at both addresses. (This in itself is strange as I thought you could only be on the electoral register at one address in the UK no matter how important and aristocratic you were.) Perhaps one of the most disturbing things about this fella is that he is a part time Magistrate (some sort of English Lower Court judge). He may well have benefit cheats come up before him on the bench. Amazing!