Sunday 31 August 2014


Well, let's be fair, he is the GREAT BRITISH opposition spokesman on
something or other and Eck's only the First Minister of some unimportant county
 in the north of England.
From Australia...Thanks to Ian.
And from NZ (again thanks to Ian)
Welcome Kevin... bring yer mates
The man is just so indescribably full of s**t.
Seems he never thinks before he opens his big fat posh gob.
Wait a minute. Weren't we all in this together once upon a time?
People who destroy other people's signage are really self defeating
What this sign says is still YES, but it also says some dipstick thought
 it would be cool to wreck it. This works both ways. Yes and No.
And includes firebombing shops!
Bloody Britain, subsidy junkies
And as if its not bad enough already, Ms Lamont says
that she knows lots of women like that.
She didn't have the wit to say she knew lots of people like that.
There are many folk who have no interest in or understanding of politics.
It's just that they are of both sexes. BT's problem was portraying
WOMEN, not PEOPLE, like that. 

What's that's all lies? Andy Burnham's a liar?
Well, at least he has a job in the shadow cabinet, unlike you.
None of these places is the hated Scotland!!!
Ah yes, back to these bloody subsidy junkies.
Let's get rid of them.
Jim knows what he's doing, Megan.
When it comes to being a wiley sneaky political operator,
he's just the dab hand.
He was trained by Tony Blair, and you don't get much
more deceitful and slimy than that.
Well maybe Islam Karimov...
Only joking, Blair has him beat every time.
Ah Woodie, we now know why you contradicted your own figures
You greedy todaying little bag of whatsit.
And they used to call him RED Ed... 
Says the multi millionaire who took social security
carer's allowance and DLA benefits for his disabled
Inchcolm Abbey

And ...

Yes.... well.... erm.... right.

Saturday 30 August 2014


The Libations (or some of them) with their biggest fan
Munguin, as you know, has a fair number of friends in political high places. Honourable gentlemen and Excellencies are numbered among his close confidants.

And of course not so long ago he presented Pétula Clark with a box of Thornton's chocolates, with only a couple nibbled (he likes soft centres), at Glasgow's Royal Concert Hall, to celebrate her 72 years in showbusiness and a new album in the charts. 

Today he made further strides in the world of show business by meeting his own personal favourite boy band, The Libations. The guys were in Dundee to promote the single, Caledonia, which everyone on here now knows off by heart, is raising money for food banks.

It was a treat for Tris too, to meet such brilliant musicians and truly lovely people. We spent some time together walking through the centre of Dundee. Somehow it felt like we were friends who had known each other forever. I want to thank them for playing along and being such fantastic sports. I'm sorry to have missed Richy, but there will be another time, I know it.
La la la la la la .... It's the guitar that's out of tune!!!
The town was buzzing, Big Chris was there with his big blue goddess, the Spirit of Independence (seen just behind Munguin as he was just getting his vocal chords warmed up for his solo). On the other side of us Blair Jenkins and Shona Robison were there talking to people as they passed by. The streets were full of kids waving saltires and people with yes badges. It was like a carnival.

Great afternoon... So nice to see the town buzzing with excitement.

Tomorrow we will know if the lads, and Caledonia have made it to the charts. (Update It entered the chart at #16. Good start. Now let's get it in the top 10!) Fingers crossed. The more sales, the more money for hungry kids. You can buy up to midnight tonight!

Thanks for coming to Dundee and for a great afternoon guys.

Friday 29 August 2014


A brief post on a hugely successful and motivating evening spent in the company of some excellent speakers last night in Dundee.
The sage at the Steps Theatre
Organised by Yes Dundee and chaired, once again, by the estimable Stuart Fairweather (Trade Unionists for Independence) there were Robin McAlpine (Common Weal), Chris Law (Spirit of Independence), Libby McArthur (actress and writer), Jim Sillars (politician, trade unionist, writer and speaker) and Craig Murray (diplomat, writer, broadcaster and human right activist).

The atmosphere fair bristled with emotion as all the participants spoke, with passion, to their strengths. 

Munguin was pleased to welcome
 Mr Murray to Dundee
Craig talked about how corrupt the current UK state is and cited examples drawn from his own experiences as a top level diplomat in the FCO. The most compelling were about the UK's involvement in torture in Uzbekistan, a state many times more corrupt and repugnant than Iraq, and yet close friends of the UK (now, I think, being advised by none of than Blair, who it appears will do anything, no matter how disgusting, for money). He also pointed out that when the Uk went to war illegally in Iraq, in the sure knowledge that the UN would have forbidden it had they been consulted, everyone in government knew perfectly well that there were no WMDs. Hundreds of thousand of people died, were maimed, lost their livelihoods and indeed their country thanks to that deceit. Blair got a congressional medal.
Libby McArthur
Libby brought levity and comedy to the evening. Having met Tris's mum in the ladies' room prior to the meeting she referred a couple of times to her during her talk. Amongst many other topics she talked about how we no longer have many shows made here in Scotland; everything is done from London and most of her friends have had to leave Scotland to get work in theatres in London. Indeed the big shows that come to Glasgow and Edinburgh originate in London and star English actors. 

Chris and his Spirit of Independence, the Big Blue Goddess
Chris Law explained his crowd funded project of the big blue fire engine and its journey around Scotland taking information to people in towns, cities, villages and hamlets around the country. I love the slogan "Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world. Indeed it's the only thing that ever has."
Robin McAlpine
Robin McAlpine has to been seen to be believed. I've never hear a man pack so many words into such a short space. But he talks my language. Common Weal is so appealing to me. The thing that struck me was his comparison with Norway. Now he admitted that there are a lot of variables to consider when you look at the comparison of life styles between two different countries with different tax systems and prices etc, etc, but none the less He pointed out that the average wage in the UK is £25,000  and the bottom 10% average on £6,000. In Norway the average wage is £45,000 and the bottom 10% average out at around £25,000. We dont have to live under a horribly imbalanced regime where 1 in four kinds is living in poverty but there are 100 + billionaires in the country.
Jim Sillars... and Margo
Jim Sillars is an inspirational speaker. There's no nonsense about him. He wants a decent society, one his generation, he admits, failed miserably to provide for Scots. He sees (as Robin does) a huge opportunity to re-industrialise the country. He talked with such passion about some of the dreadful wastelands in the west, North Lanarkshire, Dunbartonshire, South Lanarkshire... areas around Glasgow, where people live under awful conditions, beaten down by the utter hopelessness of terrible housing, bad health, no suitable jobs that pay enough money that you don't have to claim benefits just to pay the rent, and then be called a benefit cheat by some toff from the House of Lords.

The emotion Jim put into his piece spread out across the audience through countless bursts of applause. And of course he paid a tribute, with a catch in his voice, to Margo.

The place was pretty packed and like every other meeting like this that I've been to, the friendliness and warmth of the crowd was something to be marvelled at. New friends were made.

We are creating a new Scotland here.  

We can do this. 

We just need to redouble our efforts over the next few weeks. The reward will be a much better life for our kids adn hopefully for us too.
For fellow Dundonians, tomorrow promises a visit from Blair Jenkins, Spirit of Independence  and our own group, the Libations will be busking around Dundee promoting Caledonia. If you can get out and see the lads, I'm sure they will be happy so say hello. Munguin and I are hoping to get out to meet them.... and you. Say hello if you see us.
Finally, I have no time for Jim Murphy. In fact I can't stand the bloke. He is a red Tory who has gone around his 100 streets lying through his teeth, refusing to answer awkward questions, and whining about a bit of barracking that any kind of a politician should be able to handle, but (although I take the point that eggs are really pretty inoffensive weapons...unlike the ones that Jim voted to be used on Iraqis), we should all be able to speak our minds without being assaulted. 

So because I feel strongly about any kind of violence, like Easy Peasy blog, I publish this picture of the person who is alleged to be the egg thrower in the hopes that some of the thousands of readers of Munguin's Republic will recognise him and dob him in. If he is not, then he should come forward and clear himself.

We can do this without eggs you half wit.


Thursday 28 August 2014


But... is it no gonna run oot?
Not according to "that man on the telly"
So… yesterday much was made of the fact that 130 bosses of Scottish business came out in favour of the NoThanks campaign or whatever it’s called at the moment.

And today 200 Scottish business leaders have backed independence in an open letter to the Herald.

Brian Souter of Stagecoach, Clyde Blowers boss Jim McColl, and retired William Hill chief executive Ralph Topping are among the signatories who argue independence is in Scotland's economic interest. 
The letter reads: "We are involved in business and entrepreneurship at different levels in Scotland and around the world. We believe independence is in the best interests of Scotland's economy and its people.

"We will gain the powers to give our many areas of economic strength even more of an advantage in an increasingly competitive world. There will be more opportunities for our talented and determined young people to stay and succeed here in Scotland."

The letter goes on to talk about the real possibility of a British exit from the European common market and the damage that that would do to Scottish business.

[Perhaps that has been made all the more real a threat with today’s news that a right wing Tory MP has finally left the Conservatives and moved to Ukip. (Incidentally, much to his credit instead of crossing the floor as many MPs have done, he has resigned his seat and will stand as a Ukip candidate at a by election. Cameron must be cross!!)]

The signatories go on to say that they believe Westminster governments do not and never will pay sufficient attention to the interests of Scotland's economy. They talk about the tax raids on the oil industry (Danny Alexander, I believe) and the pension fund raids by Gordon Brown’s government, which were short term financial solutions to Westminster’s lack of cash, but lacked any kind of long term strategic thinking.

Scottish industry, they said, is so often treated as a cash cow rather than a strategically important part of a more prosperous and a fairer society.
Uncertainty is what the future is about.
Yesterday’s letter from pro-Union business leaders highlighted the uncertainties that surround leaving the UK  and they trotted out the tired old argument that by continuing to work together we could keep Scotland flourishing. I’m not sure that “keep” is an appropriate word. I’m reminded of the gentleman at THE debate who asked Darling: “If we are going to be better together in the Uk, why are we not better together now?”

In other news Mr Carmichael said that in the event of a Yes vote, something just a few weeks ago he hadn’t contemplated, he will resign from the government and work with the Scottish team to get the best deal for Scotland. I read a tweet about Dougie Alexander who, apparently said on BBC that in the event of a Yes vote, he would walk away from Scotland.  Awwww.

Incidentally, I've just noticed THIS article on the sidebar blog list. This is us being Better Together with the UK from a business point of view.

Signatories to the letter¨(in alphabetical order)

Harvey Aberdein, Managing Partner, Aberdein Considine
Sandy Adam, Chairman, Springfield Properties plc
Mohammed Afzal Ali, Director, Toor Investments
Irshad Ahmed, Director, Manspeak Ltd
Andrew Aird, MD of Border Couriers
Alistair Aitchison, Director, Kilted Kangaroo
Tony Aitken, Director, AP Aitken
Kenny Anderson, Co-Founder of Anderson Construction
David Anderson, Chief Executive, AP Systems
Ann and William Angus, Proprietors of Clunie Guest House
Lesley Ann Parker, Owner of Leap Scotland Ltd
Richard Arkless, Founder of LED Warehouse
Raja Aziz ur Rehman, Owner of R & M wholesale LTD
Tony Banks, Chairman of Business for Scotland and Balhousie Care
Frances Barron, Owner of Dessert Depot
Alistair Barron, Director, Barron Wright Partnerships
Alan Beck, Owner of Alan Beck Product Design Ltd
Craig Bedworth, MD of CGB Translations
Jim Bennett, Director of SIS Scotland
Ian Blackford, MD of First Seer
Ian Bremner, MD of Youngson Insurance Consultants
John Buchan Skipper, Fairline Surveyor, Aberdeen
Patrick Byrne, CEO of Pursuit Marketing
David Cairns, Chairman of Prism Tech
Alistair Cameron, Managing Director, Scotmas Group
Gen Cannibal, Director, Pro Genus Environmental

Mary-Anne Case, Proprietor, Blackhall Framing Gallery
Allan Chalmers, Director Chalmers Commercial Finance Ltd
Neil Clapperton, Managing Director, Springbank Distillery
Laurie Clark, Founder of ASC Group Ltd
Alan Clark, Owner of Clark’s Bakery
John Clark, Owner, Belmont Communications Ltd
Graeme Coghill, MD of Aberdeen Group Ltd
Ben Cooper Owner, Kenetics
Bob Costello, Sidlaw Executive Travel
Bill Coull, CEO at Comtest Wireless Europe
Gillian Cowan, Owner of the The Jewell Room
Paddy Crerar, CEO of Crerar Hotels
Gordon Darge, Proprietor of MAK Architects
Adam Davidson, Bo Concept, Scotland
Peter De Vink, Chief Executive, Edinburgh Financial General Holdings
Alan Dickson, Director, Bradshaw’s Nursery
Elaine Donegean, MD of Wedding Wise
Andy Donnell, Owner of Lightning PC’s
Scott Downie, Managing Director of Hungry Boy Productions Ltd
Peter Drummond, Director, Peter Drummond Architects
Colin Dunn, Director, Plexus Media
Brian Durkin, Braid Wines and Altar Supplies
David Dwyer, Inspire Web Development
Andrew Fairlie, Chef Proprietor, Restaurant Andrew Fairlie
Shahid Farooq, Director, Smartways
Tricia Fox, MD, Volpa Marketing
Athole Fleming , MD of Athole Design
Paul Fletcher, Managing Partner, at Enabling Innovation
Alasdair Forbes, Primary Partner, Achvaneran Farm Partnership
Hugh Fraser, Managing Partner (Middle East), global energy law firm, former Group Head of Legal Wood Group
Kevin Gibney, Director,
John Gibson, Director, Broxburn Properties
Alistair Gilchrist, Founder, AJG Business Consultancy Ltd
Donald Gillies, Owner, Gillies Transport Islay
Andrew Graeme, CEO of Inchbrakie Group
Sir Patrick Grant of Dalvey, MD of Grants of Dalvey
Cynthia Guthrie, Joint MD of Guthrie Group
David Halliday, Owner of David Halliday Solicitor
David Hanley, Director, Competence Matters
Kat Heathcote, Director , Witherby Publishing Group
Gordon Henderson, Owner, Foxlane Garden Centre
Joe Henry, Founding Director, Planys Cloud Limited
Bobby Hill, Chief Executive, Hydracrat
John Hunter-Paterson, Owner of John Hunter Paterson Insurance
Dr. Arshi Ilyas, Director of Innovation Business Ltd.
Carole Inglis, Owner, Isle of Skye Fudge and Chocolate Company
John Innes, British Venture Capitalist of the Year and Venture Capital Chief Executive of the Year, former Chief Executive Amor Group
David Keegan, Director of Bothy Bikes
Kevin Key, Director, A Star Sports
Alan Knight, Director of Invisible Emperors
David Lafferty, Owner, Aqua Energy
Joe Lafferty, MD of Lifetree
Steven J Lawrence, Director, TCD Architects
Ian Lawson, MD of Pest Protection Services
Derek Louden, Financial Director& Company Sector, ITP Solutions Ltd
Alison Mabon Founder, DM Roofing
Iain Macbeath, Owner, Macbeath Architects
Dan MacDonald, Chief Executive MacDonald Estates
Professor Sir Donald MacKay, Former Chairman, Scottish Enterprise, founding director of an oil company and a bank and non-executive director, Malcolm Group
Colin MacKinnon, Owner, Strathaven Airfield
Marie Macklin, Chief Executive, Klin Group
Donald Maclean, MD, Business Cost Conusltants
Niall Maclean, Director, Geo-Rope
Lewis Maclean, MD of Maclean’s Highland Bakery
Alex MacLeod, Director, AG Tech Limited
William MacMillan, Director, Firth Plumbing, Heating and Roofing.
Graeme Macmillan, Owner, Macmillan Financial Planning
Mohammed Mahmood, Director, M & K Scotland Ltd
Mark Mair, MD of Skibo Technologies
Khalil Malik, Director, K Malik & Co Accountants
Nasim Malik, Managing Director, GFS Mortgages
Derek Mallon, MD of the Restaurant Group
Brandon Malone, Solicitor Advocate and law firm partner
Jack Marshall, Director, Tapside Coffee
Sir George Mathewson Chairman, Toscafund and former Chairman and Chief Executive, Royal Bank of Scotland plc
Jim McColl, Chairman and CEO of Clyde Blowers plc
Gerry McCusker, Owner, Dog Digital
Helen McDonough, Owner, Kennedy + Co Hair
Ian McDougall Owner, McDougall Johnston
Gordon McFarlane, Owner of Uplift Media
James McGoochin, Director, J.M. Builders.
Ron McGregor, Co-Founder McGregor Garrow Architects
Ivan McKee, Partner, Partner, Greenfold Partners
Duncan McKellar, Owner, McKellar Sub Sea
Fiona McKenzie, Director and Co-Founder, Centre Stage Music Theatre
Sheila McLean, Director, Muriel Management Ltd
Brian McManus, Managing Partner Pisces Engineering Services
Ian and Thea McMillan, Directors, Chambers McMillan Architects Ltd
Isabell McNicoll, Owner, Business Time Saver
Les Meikle, Owner, Wise Property Care
James Meldrum, Proprietor of Mel Décor
Robert Miller Director , McAdam King Glasgow
Morag Milligan, Operations Manager, Milligan’s Coach Hire
David Morrison, Director, Sangobeg
Barry Morrison, Owner of Barry Morrison Timber Harvesting Ltd
Stephen Mulhern, Owner of Lendrick Lodge
Brian Munro, Owner, Pat Munro Construction
Jil Murphy, Co-Founder Thin Red Line Design
Alan Murphy, Owner of Inverness Cash Registers
Ron Murray, Founder, Safety Scotland
Yvonne Murray Director, Northern Roots Events
Omar Nabi, Director, Ahmad & Nabi McMulan
Muhammad Naveed, Managing Partner, Clyde Accountants
Mian Naveed Qasar, Chief Executive, Vision International Ltd
Alan Neill, Director, Neill Technical Services
Bruce Newlands, Director , Kraft Architecture
Richard Nicol, Chief Executive Commsworld
Douglas Norris, MD Of Datec
Mairi Oakley, Owner of Darach
Eunice Olumide, Entrepreneur
Eddie O’Neill, Owner, Translations for Industry
Gillian & Kevin O’Neill, Founder of 29 Studios
Sandy Orr, Co-Founder, Mint Hotels
Mike Peddie, Owner of Secret Scotland
Dr. Mireille Pouget, Director of Erin
Professor Nathu Puri, Founder, Purico
Jamie Rae, Chief Executive, Craignish Development Group
Frank Ralph, Shorline Motors and Property Limited
Mohammed Ramzan, Chairman, United Wholesale Grocers
Anne Rendall, Vine Marketing Group
Nighet Riaz, Owner of Riaz Property
Andrew Richardson, Owner Tax Assist Accountants
Mark Riddell, MD of M3 Networks
Jan Robertson, Manager of Willow Bank House
Andrew Robertson MD, 1st Eco Tech Ltd
Michelle Rodger, Founder of Tartan Cat Communications
Vivienne Rollo, Owner, Kishorn Seafood Bar
Bill Samuel, Private investor
Jim Savage, Director, Chemikal Records
James Scott, Former Executive Director, Scottish Financial Enterprise
Adrian Searle, Co-Founder of Freight Books / Freight Design
Ashfaq Shaq, Director, A Shah & Co Ltd
Kenneth Shaw, Owner, Canape Wines
Mark Shaw, Chief Executive, Hazledene Group
Kevan Shaw, Owner of KSLD
Tommy Sheppard, Director of Salt’n’Sauce Promotions
Muhammad Shoaib, Shoaib Associates
Alan Simpson, Owner of Minute Man Press Paisley
Helen and Mark Smith, Directors, Montana Home Care
Mark Sorsa-Leslie, Director, Zargonic
Sir Brian Souter, Chairman of Stagecoach Group plc
Stewart Spence, Owner of Marcliffe Hotel
Jim Spowart, Founder, Standard Life Bank and Intelligent Finance
Alasdair Stephen, Director Owner, Hebridean Homes
Neil Stephen, Partner, Dualchas Building Design
Philip Stewart Owner, Kangaroo Print
Gary Sutherland, Director, Harrowden IT
Neil Sutherland, MD, Makar Ltd.
William Tait, Director, Klondyke Fishing Company Limited
Frank Taylor, Owner of Indigo Sun
Robert Taylor, Director, Iformis Ltd.
Michelle Thomson, Director, Your Property Shop
Christine and Robert Thomson, Owners of Cairngorms Solutions Ltd
Ralph Topping, Retired as Chief Executive of William Hill plc this month
Angus Tulloch, Edinburgh Fund Manager
David Urquhart, Founder of David Urquhart Travel
Malcolm Wadia, Director, Plysim
Abdul Wahid, Director, Kashmir Stores Ltd
Dr. Jim Walker, Chief Executive, Asianomics Group
Gerry Wallace, MD, GEM Lift Services
James Wallace, Owner of Alba Business Service
Euan Walls, Owner of Innovate Create
Terry Walls, MD of TEW Stationers
Ron Warbrick, MD of Frame Shop and Gallery
Dennis Webster, MD of Fireisk
Fergus Weir, MD of Teclan Ltd
Robertson Wellen, Proprietor, Ferintosh
Allan Whiteside, MD, Direct Line Timber
Willie Wilson, Owner, Thistle Pharmacies
David Wood, Owner, Northern Oils Group
Ivan Wood, Director, Ivan Wood and Sons Ltd
Ronnie Young, Director of Aquatron Ltd
Lorna Young, Owner, Indigo Words
Muzaffar Yusaf, Owner, Yusaf Co. Ltd


Martin from the Libations updated me last  night that they were able to make their first donation to "Loaves and Fishes" as a result of sales of Caledonia. Once again he thanks Munguin's Republic's readers for their support.
The lads with Mrs Curran at loaves and Fishes
He and Darren went along with Mrs Curren (Denis's wife) to make the presentation of a cheque for £1,115. 

Those of you who have followed the success of the song will know that it has been #1 in the Amazon country sales; it has risen up the overall downloads sales, and was, as of last night, at #8 on their chart just behind Pharrell Williams' "Happy".
If we can keep sales like this going until Saturday then it is likely that the song will make the UK Top 40, and then the radio stations take over and it becomes (hopefully) unstoppable.

I know there have a been a few posts about this, but it's important:

(i) because, as you read above, the lads have already donated over a thousand pounds to a foodbank, and 

(ii) because having "Caledonia" played on the radio and on the iPods of the country won't be doing YES any harm in the run up to the referendum, and

(iii) because it's a great song, and a superb rendition. It deserves to be a hit and in any case you're gonna love listening to it.

There are always readers who haven't seen the original post and/or who will see this one and remember they haven't reminded their cousin Willie or Great Aunt Matilda to get out there and download it on Amazon or iTunes.

So we make no apology for plugging it for all we're worth. Buy it, tell your mates about it, phone your local radio stations and request it for your granny's or grandson's birthday. Just let's get it out there.
Munguin's humming it in the background, whilst cracking his whip, as I type. 


PS. Darren, Ross and Martin will be up in Dundee on Saturday to promote the disc. Not sure at the moment where  exactly or when, but we'll be along to see them at some point. Munguin, being a sophisticated animal, takes a great interest in Scottish Arts. We'll keep you updated with any info.

Wednesday 27 August 2014

Patronising Women ...

On the last post Iain suggested the Huffington Post article on the story of BT's latest failure. For a campaign who agree that they must secure the votes of women, they have a weird idea of how they should go about it. Not that I want to discourage their pathetic efforts, of course... 

There are loads of funny screen captures on the site, but I found this Harry Enfield video the funniest.

Another one that made me laugh was a still of the actress looking perplexed with the caption: A BT ad, they said. Didn't do Maureen Lipman any harm, I thought........ I'm gonnae kill that agent.


Yes. We did it. I'm up there on the billboard behind the big E at the top.
Two Teams, One City, One goal.
Credit to Andy Clark and his Dundee FC 
This should get John Brownlie's attention
Imagine being terrified by threats from Flipper
 trying to save his peerage
Not photoshopped I'm told, and on the Kilpatrick Hills
There's a woman that doesn't need Paul to chivvy her
and she's real, not an actress reading  words written by Flipper
as he desperately tried to save his seat in the Lords
This is the kind of things she's talking about.
It might have been semi acceptable in the days before
Gordon Brown brought down the company pension s scheme
We have streets like this in Dundee
Yes City. I've only seen two No windows and literally
thousands of Yes windows.
Even the No signs in the grounds of Baroness Strange's
castle have been removed.
There's something logical about that, isn't there?
Instead in Britain we have poverty wages which have to be
subsidised by social security, and then the people who allow
this situation call the recipients "skivers".
Go tell that to Johann Lamont who thinks it is a virus.
Stupid woman.
Fine legacy guys. And yes, you can say that you were
 hampered by Tory governments who never gave you enough
 money. But then there was that 13 year period
 of Labour government. Although you could be excused
for not noticing it.
It was pretty indistinguishable from Tory government.

Which is why the Scottish government has frozen council tax.
It's bad enough the rent is unpayable on minimum wage
without the council tax going up too.
Oh dear.  Oh dear, oh dear.
Oh dear, oh dear, oh dear!