Thursday 15 May 2014


First Minister: "Mr Cameron chose to invoke the memory of John Smith on the eve of his visit to Scotland. I was a Westminster counterpart of John Smith when Mr Cameron was an adviser to a Tory Chancellor.

"At that time, John Smith believed in a Scottish Parliament – David Cameron didn’t.

“John Smith believed in a fairer society – David Cameron didn’t.

“I knew John Smith, and David Cameron is no John Smith.”
Cameron's visit was somewhat marred by the release of statistics from the Office for National Statistics which show the distribution of wealth (pensions, savings, property and investments) in the UK.

They illustrate the social and geographic imbalances that have developed under London Rule.

The ONS reports, "the median household total wealth for Scotland is a fifth (20%) lower than the corresponding value for Wales and over a quarter 26%) lower than the value for England. For more information look here.

Voting no means that you are satisfied that although you contribute more to the pot, you are going to be very very much poorer than people in England. 

And they tell us that English taxes subsidies us... What a bloody joke.
Jock McJock the Coo's mates!
Munguin's mate!


  1. Replies
    1. He could count the relaunches the campaign has had?

      Or the number of people they have out on the streets... or...

      Oh who the hell cares if he sleeps or not...

  2. Alex Salmond and John Smith (1992). Also some Tory and Alan Beith (??? who he?)

    Eck wisnae feart of any of them and it shows.

    1. He stands out as a leader. He knows his facts and he can put them over...

      Alan Beith... Jeez!

      By the way... you got my mug!!!! Give it back l!!!! :)

    2. Mug, what mug?

      Citizen Broon has arranged for its non-existence. It does not exist and IT HAS NEVER EXISTED.

      Vive le Rasoir National!

      Tremblez, tyrans et vous perfides,
      L'opprobre de tous les partis,
      Tremblez ! vos projets parricides
      Vont enfin recevoir leurs prix !

    3. ummm

      Indeed, what mug...? Was there ever a mug?

      Je tremble!

      (If you don't know what this is about...see Pa Broon's Scout Fund raising articles =>)

    4. Thank you for that, hope more people watch this as they are definitely using John Smith's name to encourage the people swithering towards yes to change their minds. I never saw him as other than another Labour Politician. I was sorry he died because we knew in my house that the leadership would fall to that smirking nonentity Tony Blair, and we were proved right again, but I did not think he was in any way someone I would trust to look after Scotland, he had his eye as so many in Labour on the main chance which as we know is the more important job of Prime Minister

    5. I don't remember him much. I remember the day that he died and his funeral but not a lot of his leadership.

      Trust Cameron to latch on to someone he had absolutely nothing in common with to prove his point.

      I see he's been telling people he won't debate with Mr Salmond because he is not head of the No campaign (so what?) and in any case it is nothing to do with him because he doesn't have a vote...which begs the question... what is he doing here, if it's nothing to do with him? Did he just fancy two days away from Downing Street, so when the Euro elections fall flat on their face he can say: "it was nothing to do with me guv".

      Odious man.

  3. “I knew John Smith, and David Cameron is no John Smith.”

    From the 1988 presidential campaign. The Vice Presidential debate between Lloyd Bentsen and Dan Qualye. :

    1. He he... Nice put down.

      Eck musta copied it.

      Dan (I'm sorry, I don't speak Latin; potatoe) Qualye, wasn't the sharpest knife in the drawer.

      Poor Old Dan. I dunno about the USA, but he got a terrible press here. We were left open mouthed about how thick he appeared to be!

    2. Tris: The exchange between Lloyd Bentsen and Dan Qualye in 1988 is the most famous moment in the history of Vice Presidential debates. It's over a quarter century old now, and has passed into the American idiom to suggest when someone has foolishly compared himself to someone much greater.

      So that cadence and substance of that line jumped out at me. I'd say that the First Minister has a solid grasp of American political history.

    3. Ah right Danny. I guess that Eck probably does have a good grasp of American history. As far as I understadn it he's a big fan of America without making the mistake of British ministers of feeling in some way inferior to them.

      Cameron, on his way to Washington for the first time as PM, said that he was proud of the partnership of America and Britain, even though Britain was the junior partner.

      However true that might be, it came across as the most appalling piece of ass licking.

      Poor old Dan. The only image we have of him here is that of a figure of fun. Imagine that being a heartbeat away from the most powerful mad in the Western world...almost as scary as the hockey mom... but not quite.

    4. Indeed! It took a "hockey mom" from Alaska to make Dan Qualye, the unsuccessful speller of "potatoe", look like a mental giant.....LOL.

    5. The question is Danny...did anyone ever ask her to spell "potatoe"?

      Or indeed anything else... like her name, for example?

      Or any newspaper she read?

  4. I never liked John Smith or Donald Dewer, for they always seemed to be Labour first, then Westminster, then themselves and only then Scotland. Offering only a little parly, just enough to keep the natives quiet. I don't think resurrecting, these old unionist stalwarts will help the no lot, much at all.


    1. I had the feeling that Smith was popular, perhaps only with the passage of time and the advent of Blair, son of Thatcher.

      I don't remember much about Dewar either.

      But no, people aren't interested in the old leaders. At the moment they are interested in what is going to make life better for them.

      What John Smith would have done, or would have wanted, is really neither here nor there. What is true is that he didn't want the same things that Cameron wants, which seems to be a return to Dickensian Britain with the poor in soup kitchens (or food banks) and workhouses (or forced labour), and knowing their place to the super rich, the new aristocracy, the bankers, spivs the lot.
