Saturday, 13 February 2016


1: Hello you lot. Welcome to my page: Soppy Sunday!
Want a bite of my leaf?
2: Have you ever seen a field of them? Tourne Soleil or Tournsol.
3: Now you got to the top, what you gonna do?
Have a snooze?
4: Well, what are you looking at?
5: That dog is worse off than we are. It hasn't got any legs
6: Well, that's certainly true!
7: Oasis in... Well you tell me!!
8: I know you think this is Iceland, but it's not.. So, where is it?
9: Pretty awesome stuff, bamboo!
Why does mine not look like that?
9: Smart perch, birdie!!
10: Nice pussy cat, pretty pussy cat...
11: Cold? Me?  Nah... not a chance.
12: Is Panda Paws there?
13: Nuts!
14: From Gerry.
16: The love of an animal for the guy who looks after him.

17: Arran, Bute and Cumbrae.
18:Like I said, the love of an animal for the one who looks after him.
19: Munguin's country hideaway.  Neuschwanstein Castle, Bavaria.
20: Purlingbrook Falls, Australia.
21: Scottish Sunset (from Frank)


  1. No 1 - our editor....... :p
    No 5 - IDS would still class it as fit for work - it's breathing.
    No 9 - my bloody conifers grow like bamboo! Tip: buy a reciprocating saw, goes through them like butter.
    No 10 - cracking. Assume it's a panther and not a black jaguar?
    No 12 - has a uncanny resemblance to Jeremy Hunt pic in the last topic. Except that the orang has more....excuse me, has common sense. (cant do strikethough)
    No 19 - I hear that Dundee is going to build a similar castle, except they ran out of lego.......


    1. Ah...

      !) I should be that cute! 5) I don't think breathing is an absolutely necessity! 9) Conifers seem like a good idea at the time. 10) Not sure! 12) PP may never forgive you! 19) ouch! It was Mechano they ran out of!

    2. PP NEVER will forgive him. How can anyone look at that adorable face and see a Tory. Though at least Zog got it right, the orang has much more common sense not to mention intelligence and compassion.

    3. (desperately trying to get out of a deep hole) Ahem, I should have made it clear that Hunt was trying to do an impression of an orang, but failed in the compassionate stakes. He doesn't understand compassionate, or any word that has more than one syllable, with the exception of privatisation.


      Naw, it was Lego. No pointy bits......


    4. I don't suppose that the little fellow would agree to accept the job of health secretary. It would mean mixing with Tories!

      Nice try, Zog!

      Oh aye, the pointy bits threw me!

  2. Munguin has a nice place! ;)

    1. Oh you know, when you're a media mogul you buy up these things. Munguin had quite forgotten that he owned one does!

  3. Thanks - my fav Sunday post this thingy is

  4. Call yourself as languages expert, fah! Neuschwanstein Castle. NEU. You are sentenced to watching Deutschland 1983 on catch up to practise your German :-)

    Those were lovely. I can reveal that the reason your bamboo doesn't grow like that is I send my Dundee posse round for a feed whilst you aren't looking...

    No12 - yes I'm here...
    No18 - mad cat lady...
    No8 - Greenland?
    No3 - adorable and I@m not a rodent fan.

    Lovely contributions from Frank and Gerry.

    Blood pressure reduced.

    1. You're supposed to proof read BEFORE it goes up to press, PP. Really, Munguin wants to know what he pays you for! Neuschwanstein it is, with apologies to all German speaking readers. Danke!

      LOL ... Norway!

  5. Ah, Sunday at last,and the mornings are getting lighter.

    Better half's had her breakfast in bed with a soppy Valentines card and I'll cook her a nice Sunday dinner later on.( I'll be needing the brownie points soon.

    Great photo's again, hard to pick a favourite this week. Work to do,will drop in later to see if Nico's taken a peek in and had his hard socialist heart warmed up a bit.


    1. What a kind guy you are Gerry...

      What you intending to do with all those Brownie Points? No, don't tell us.

      Niko never owns up to being touched by these animal things. He likes to make out he's a hard man, but I bet he secretly has a bubble over them!

  6. The Orang kids are so adorable. I'm beginning to be able to tell them apart - though I don't know in 15 which is Ant and which Dec.

    The interior of Ludwig's castle is fabulous. It is well worth a visit. It takes precise planning. Tours are all guided and by time slot. The ticket office is very busy. If you have the equivalent of a Historic Scotland rover ticket you get to jump the queue.

    The other castle on the site - Hohenzollern - is also worth a visit. Ludwig grew up there. The nearby village of Fussen is good to stay for a couple of days - your accommodation provider will give you a card which leads to free bus travel in the area - being about 3 miles from the castles.

    I agree these Sunday features are becoming the highlight of the week. You have some lovely photographs here.

    Saor Alba

    1. Hohenschwangau not *zolleren. Diuh!

      Saor Alba

    2. LOL SA. Maybe I should just stop posting all the horrid politics, and do nature all week...although we have our John to thank for "Soppy Sunday", I'd have to get him t come up with some more alliterative titles.

      Thanks for the information. You clearly know the area. LOL @ Ant and Dec!

      Never mind, Manuel, I mean Zog!

  7. Number 4 had just heard about Labour's poll numbers.

    1. I demand a recount - number 3 it should have been.

      Forgot to post - lovely pics as ever.

    2. LOL LOL LOL.

      (They are pretty embarrassing. I wonder if the tactic of lowering expectations was as clever as they thought. I mean, I can see why they did it. At least, I expect it was to save Kezia from the chop when the results were poor, but they have also sent out a message that they have no confidence in their own people to win.

      If they don't have confidence in themselves, why would anyone else have?


  8. Replies
    1. Yes... Now, the question is, did you know that, or did you read my answer to Panda paws...?

      No cheating now!


  9. No 15 Neuschwanstein Castle, Bavaria., was that not the inspiration for Disney's fairy castle?

    1. It was indeed! Sleeping beauty!

  10. By the way, the oasis is in Peru!

  11. They have this cute wee castle thingy in Yalta which unfortunately is beyond the curtain in the Crimea which looks a wee bitty like a small one of thon castle , this one is called the Swallows Nest, a wee bit easier to say and spell.
    Now If I wanted a cat I would probably want that black one, well after Hektor you need something biddable.

    1. It's a shame when a country goes out of bounds, even for those of us who'll probably never visit anyway... But somehow the fact that you can;t is disturbing.

      I fear that you might find that black cat even less biddable than Hektor!

  12. DOH! I just read your comment Tris, Peru eh? who woulda thunk it.

    1. LOL John. I think we could agree that Peru is to the south or Tobruk. So you were right.

      You win this week's prize. A week in the Clyde tunnel with Maggie Curran.

      :) :)
