Monday 29 February 2016



  1. tris

    Out Shopping no doubt

    1. Ouch Niko. That was a bit sexist. Incidentally Mr Corbyn was there too.

    2. Now there's a question Conan...

      Anyone know the answer?

    3. Don't look now Niko but your impotence is showing.

    4. Conan

      Kezia was out shopping as well....wot don't you understand about wimmin .

    5. Is that impotence or importance?

    6. Impotence.Most certainly

    7. Don't tell Mrs Niko

  2. Niko
    Do you go shopping with a microphone in front of you?

  3. Almost a total news blackout on this march you can find a video of Nicola's speech buried in the bottom of the bbcs political page. No real mention of this Massive Demonstration. Front page coverage for a Dog kept in a police station for three years. This is propaganda by ommision! I knew they did "news management" to control their friends in the north. But I am shocked that it now is applied to "unruly" elements from London and the Home Counties.

    This is a system that is turning against itself, that won't recognise the first twitches and spasms of it's own death throws. A hollowed out Empire still desperately trying to strut on the "Big Stage", when in reality it is little more than a Punch and Judy show.

    1. The demo could have been given more coverage in general, but how many people really want to listen to a speech?

      I'm against Trident being renewed, but I don't need to listen to speech after speech by politicians telling me this.

      Speeches don't justify front-page headlines.

      "Propaganda", "control". Some would argue that the SG wanting control - and I mean control - of the BBC in Scotland would mean exactly that. The BBC ain't perfect, but going to extremes won't work.


    2. Zog, the Scottish government does not want to "control" the BBC.
      All they want is Scottish production, made in Scotland, from a Scottish perspective. Like any other normal country in the world.
      I hope that alleys your concerns.

    3. Hi Donald. Any big London march against the government is always downplayed by the BBC.

      I think you're right. The antiqued establishment in this country is simply not geared up to coping with modern life. They should always get up in the morning and say to themselves "The Internet exists", and keep it in mind all day.

      They become less relevant by the day, and the contrast between their contribution to news, and what is read on blogs, Twitter, Facebook and the like becomes more and more noticeable.

      The BBC will have to change. There is no doubt about it. As it becomes more and more irrelevant people are are bound to wonder why they have to fork out £3 a week to keep this massive London organisation in first class flights and taxis to Manchester.

    4. I think, Zog, that when you have a state broadcaster, paid for by what is, or at least, was, virtually a poll tax, set by government, that that organisation will try to keep on the right side of the government. (And now that fewer and fewer people have tvs and use internet, they are looking to make EVERYONE pay for the BBC through a real poll tax.)

      It's like keeping in with your dad over pocket money.

      So yes, he who pays the piper calls the least to a certain extent. There is absolutely no evidence that the Scottish government would wish to impose Stalinist control over state broadcasting.

      But on the other hand, at the moment we pay for the Tory government we didn't vote for, to call the tune.

      If we HAVE to have a state broadcaster and I'm not convinced of it, firstly it should be a small affair, not the massive thing that it is, and costs should be kept low. (Alan Yentob: "I take first class flights to New York to deliver a lecture so I can the return the next day, and only be away from my desk for 2 days". Why? if you are THAT vital and being away for any longer than 2 days presents such a problem then don;t go; give your speech by video link. You work for the BBC; that should be achievable!)

      That the SNP wants broadcasting as part of their remit is not unreasonable. In most countries, even most devolved regions of the world broadcasting is devolved. I can't see why it can't happen here.

      The BBC sucks money out of Scotland. I don't argue that many people in Scotland may enjoy Strictly Come in the Jungle, or Eastenders, or whatever else is on made in England by English actors and English producers. Nor should that be a problem. After all we all enjoy American movies and French and Italian film and music...

      But little is made here, because it's just a branch office. Scottish actors have to go to London adn the best of our talent disappears. The same with their journalists and broadcasters. The massive money paid out is paid in London, although it has come from Scottish people. And it is spent in London instead of Glasgow.

      And one more bitch about it. On the BBC news we hear about the health service, education, policing, the courts, law, environment etc, as if it affects us. "The Secretary of State for Heath, Mr Hunt said..."

      They might as well be talking about the Norwegian minister for health. The Cabinet Secretary for Health is Shona Robison, not Mr Hunt. And what is happening there is NOT happening her. I'm sick of neighbours telling me of the failings of the heath service, that are actually Mr Hunt's failings.

  4. Replies
    1. I thought so.

      Many people don't want to hear speeches, but many do.

      Personally I've no desire whatsoever for any coverage of the royals, but I know I have to put up with it.

      I'd not suggest that the BBC cover every speech. That would be ridiculous. But we need to know that these events have taken place and have a flavour of major speeches.

  5. Doctor De-la-ZouchFebruary 29, 2016 10:19 am

    Kezia stayed at home and watched herself on University Challenge...all her friends and allys were there...Dolly, Pussy and Teddy and afterwards they looked through the round window!

    1. And then they all had a nice cup of tea...

  6. Her argument that the UK claims it depends on Trident for UK defence is absolutely bang on the money.
    Either the UK is unique in that having attacked so many countries in the past,it really does need nuclear weapons for "defence" purposes or,as usual,it is a lie to cover the real reason.

    1. I've always thought that the argument that it was VITAL for our defence, and that we would be a sitting duck target if we didn't have it, meant that it was utterly ridiculous of us to try to stop every other country in the world from having it, from the biggest to the smallest (although exactly where the Vatican would put a nuke, I'm not sure).

      The truth is that if they have to exist, they are superpower weapons as only super powers would ever dare to use them.

      They are a very expensive way of pretending that the UK is a superpower.

  7. This speech was not broadcast on Reporting Fitba but tank commander Ruthies' SNP baaaaaaaaaaaaaad rant over Nicola's speech was given a great deal of airtime.

    1. They are starting to like Ruth a lot more! It's the tanks, you know. They are scared she drives one into their reception...

  8. Umm ! Would of liked to listened to Nicolas speech but snpBAd so
    Watched on the telly but turned down the sound instead and I shouldn't
    Have done that.........

    1. Well, I'm sure you lip read.

      Did you watch Jeremy's speech?

    2. You could have put the sound on. The words were "spoken by an actor"...... (oops, I've given Cameron an idea)


    3. LOL> That was a hilarious carry on. Thatcher's idea wasn't it?

    4. The Gerry Adams stuff was counter-productive. Almost as bad when the banned the Spycatcher book. Likewise banning "Relax" by FGTH, and the video for "Two Tribes" was first shown at 1am I think.

      Goodness knows how those people would have dealt with Mylie Cyrus :p


    5. I would think the motto is that if you want to make something popular ...ban it.

      How detached from reality are these people?
