Friday 23 September 2016


Now here is a woman with her finger on the button.
And here is one with her finger NOT on the button.

And here's yet another one who seems to have problems with her  buttons.


  1. tris and the other Nat stirrers

    Just what this United Kingdom this very United as confirmed by the settled will
    Of the Scottish people's in a snp referendum . Is a big bomb a massive nuclear weapon
    of earth destroying proportions so if the Russians invade we may not be able to defeat them
    In a war but we can turn everything into a burnt cinder.......

    As that there General said we are unable to fight a Russian army apart from the the 18th century when could we alone have beaten the russkys um I wonder.

    Anyway after my investigations I find the majority of electricians employed
    At holyrood are members of the sno and were employed through the snp
    Dominated parliamentary employment agency..

    That explains a lot

    1. Alternatively Kez was playing on her phone and forgot to push the button...


    2. tris

      Harumph !!! a most unlikely story and one she alongside Iain Gray( lovely man ) denies no the snp dirty tricks are surely to blame.

    3. I think the oboe section are a particular nationalist clique.

    4. In fact, are any of the woodwind section qualified sparked? Sturgeon should answer now!

    5. Och you're probably right Niko. Joe Fitzpatrick under Kez's desk with his screwdriver undoing her wires...

    6. Deik, no wonder we cannae get a richt tune oot o them unless we're playin' Flower o' Scotland.

      And if these SNP lot are moonlichtin' as sparkies, I'll report them an' they'll docked¬!

    7. NIKO:

  2. Yes but she just can't bring herself to push the Article 50 button....

    1. That is probably a more frightening prospect...specially when you have Johnson, Fox, Werrity and Davis at your back! Assured destruction!

  3. Kezia is simply demonstrating autonomy. Jings, I'd forgotten about Magrit Curran. I wonder what she's up to these days?

    Following on from the previous post, Yemen is on the brink of a famine and what was our news filled with? Brad and Angelina divorcing!

    1. Sickening, but it's what interests people I suppose.

      We are complicit in Yemen. It's just awful what's happening there.. and we are selling the Saudis weapons and providing military help, presumably for money, or because Washington told us to.

      And we're killing kids and bombing hospitals with the Saudis.

      I wonder what our fascination is with these evil people. Friends of the Windsors, I guess.

      Why are Brad and his wife divorcing?

      Nah, joking I dont give a flying one.

  4. Some real blasts from the past in the last photo.
    Ex and soon to be ex politicians.

    1. Dinosaurs' picnic... it's like a teddy bears picnic but designed to scare your kids rather than make them smile.

  5. There would be no point in having a nuclear deterrence if the leader of the country openly stated she'd not be prepared to use it.

    And if the Russians nuked London, then I'd be very much demanding a full retaliatory response over Moscow.
    God forbid anything like that ever happened, but we must be prepared to defend our existence by any and all means within international laws.

    1. Eh? The Kremlin blows up London, presumably because London was being an arsehole, from the Russian point of view; and you want to kill innocent people in retaliation? FFS, grow up.

    2. And if the Americans allowed the UK to get the launch codes for their rented weapons system that demand might even be met. But since a smart Russian strategist would have obliterated Faslane at ( or before ) attacking London, you would never know Dean - assuming you live in Scotland.


    3. Dean, you inadvertently hit the nail on the head with the comment "There would be no point in having a nuclear deterrent.."! It seems to me that if Russia nuked London no-one in the vicinity, including Mrs May, would be in a position to respond. In any case it would be futile and barbaric to condemn even more innocent men, women and children? Given the MOD's nuclear track record in Skye and Gibraltar they would be more ikely to nuke Greenland rather than Russia.

    4. Sorry, but you sound just like the kids in a playground with their "My Dad will come and smash up your Dad".

      It would only take one launch of any nuclear bomb and the planet will be on the road to a nuclear 'winter' and probable human oblivion.

      Why would any country want to reduce another to a radioactive wasteland for generations - what stategic or economic benefit could it expect? Total idiocy all this 'deterrent' nonsense.

    5. Laugh it up, but mutually assured destruction helped defeat the soviets and their evil empire.

      With Russia invading Ukraine, having wars with Georgia and threatening NATO - we need to be capable of defending ourselves from any threat.

    6. Defeated the evil Soviets but not the Russians, strange. I think you'll find economic forces brought down the Soviet regime. What we should be doing is "jaw jaw not war war" as one of your heroes once said.

    7. What about Washington's evil empire? We need a deterent against them. Look at your history over the last 70 years the US has attacked everyone and anyone. The list is endless. Or maybe you just read the MSM and believe their bullshit.

    8. Let us not forget the British empire, and how wonderful that was.

    9. I've never understood why Britain has these weapons that it can't use and can't afford. Ex prime minister Tony Blair said that they were only a status symbol and that to get rid of them would damage Britain's position in the world. Ex-defence secretary Michael Portillo said that they are utterly dependent on the Americans and as such are not independent and could only be used with express permission from the USA.

      In short Mrs May may be able and willing to push the button, but the result would be much the same as Ms Dugdale's button pushing.

      That we are prepard to spend £200,000,000,000 on them while people are starving and cold and unemployed is a travesty.

      If mutually assured destruction is the only way to stop the little boys that run the world (and possibly soon little girls) then the answer seems to me to be a NATO weapon. It's all controlled by the USA at the moment anyway (despite France's genuinely independent system can anyone imagine them using the weapons without express permission from Washington?), so why not NATO control them and all the members state, many FAR richer that Britain, contribute to their cost and upkeep.... preferable more than 25 miles from Glasgow or any other town.

    10. I'd love to agree with jimnarlene when he/she says "FFS grow up", but the leader of your party (and probably most Tories) think the same way. Is there not a part of you that reflects on what you state you are willing to do - i.e. the mass murder of predominantly innocent people - and thinks "What the fuck am I thinking, this is obscene"?

      Do you have no humanity? Where is your sense of justice? These are human beings that have caused you no harm and who currently have little say in what their leaders do in their name. You and I and almost every adult in the UK have a considerably greater say in what is done in our name. We are much more culpable than almost all Russians.

      If the deterrent aspect of possessing nuclear weapons failed, you would kill millions - and large numbers of them will die slowly and in agony - in order to … what? Demonstrate to (those that remain in) the world that you don’t mess with (what’s left of) the UK? Assuage your hurt Britnat pride? Satisfy a desire for revenge?

      When I was scribbling the foregoing down I wondered if any Tories thought possessing or using nuclear was a bad idea. I googled ‘Conservatives against nuclear weapons’ and (in an admittedly cursory search) the only thing I found were short accounts of one MP (Crispin Blunt) voting against Trident renewal last year. One man.

      And some people wonder why many of us hate the Tories. It’s not because we’re jealous of hard working, independent, thrifty people who take care of their own. It’s not because we are against individual enterprise and creativity and their associated financial rewards. It’s because we hate that attitude within most Tories that focuses on themselves to the exclusion of others. Others who in many cases had no control over the circumstances which determine to a large extent how difficult life will be for them. We hate that to large extent you choose to stifle that part of our shared human nature we call empathy. That part of our nature that helps us to feel and understand others’ pain as our own pain.

      To finish, I will anticipate that it might be pointed out that large numbers of people who are not Tories would also advocate killing millions under the circumstances mentioned. (Certainly most MPs in the Labour party voted for the renewal of Trident.) I condemn all such life denying people whatever their political allegiances.

    11. I'm a he,
      and with you,
      I wholeheartedly agree,
      Dean being the Tory,
      not me.

    12. Jimnarlene the format of the 'Comments' section makes it a bit tricky sometimes - especially if there are lots of replies - to convey to whom the reply is directed. But I never had any doubt about which party you did not belong to!

    13. This comment has been removed by the author.

    14. What about Washington's evil empire? We need a deterent against them. Look at your history over the last 70 years the US has attacked everyone and anyone. The list is endless. Or maybe you just read the MSM and believe their bullshit.

  6. I think Kez was doing her parties favourite trick, abstaining.
    The eject button will be pressed, to remove her, soon.

    1. LOL. Yes. They haven't abstained for days.

    2. I see Corbyn has romped home with 61.8% of the votes cast.

    3. Now Kez says, Corbyn can win the next GE. We can all change our minds but FFS.
