Thursday 6 February 2014




  1. Holding up a poster with David Cameron's, mugshot on it and the word underneath, "Goodbye" is in my opinion a shot in the foot to the BT camp, just about everyone in Scotland WANTS to say goodbye to David Cameron.

    For these people to put forward a proposal that somehow we'd be sad to lose David Cameron, is complete and utter bonkers, Lord Such isn't dead whilst these people are floating around.

    1. To be fair, I think that poster was part of the Yes contingent, crossing the floor for a photo opportunity.

      I still reckon postcards of the poster of Maggie's face with "Vote No - it's what she would have wanted" sent round the poorer parts of Glasgow (indeed all the cities) would swing it for Yes.

    2. Yep, that seemed a weird argument to me too...

      But there it is...some ordinary Dundonians, grassroots No campaigners. All 8 of them.

      And some grassroots yessers.

      20 or so of them...

      Every picture tells a story.

    3. yes, I think you're right Rolfe. She must be one of us, so that's tehm down to 7.

      Your idea about Maggie is Great.

      I'm sure I saw a poster with her coupon on it , saying

      Vote NO...It's what Maggie would have wanted.

      Do it in the mining villages, near where the steel mills were, the car plants...

  2. Looking at the nay sayers photo it looks awfie like they are saying Godbye. I certainly hope they had another letter 'OP' in there otherwise they'd look even more stupid than they do in the photo. :)

    1. LOL Arbroath. It does indeed, although I think someone does have another pound coin there... just hidden in the crush. Hmmmm!

    2. I can see a second giant pound coin held by the second guy in a suit from the left. It's mostly obscured by the one the lady is holding.

  3. At least 1 in the no photo, maybe 3, are Labour Councillors on DCC.

  4. I wondered about that. I don;t know what any of the councillors look like,except the one who was sitting all alone in the park that day at the U Kok stall, but there are a few there that look well enough turned out to be councillors... 2 and 4 maybe?

    1. I think the YES side are all just Yes Activists. I see no councillors or MSPs there. Although I'm sure there probably were some, they don't seem to have been photographed.

  5. According to YesDundee (News), 5 out of the BT 7 were Labour councillors and 50 Yes supporters turned up.

    1. Brilliant Barney.

      I should know more about Dundee's councillors. Embarrassed.

      So they got 2 shows and we got 50.

      Yep. That sounds about right.


    2. I've added in the pics from the link Barney. Thanks.

  6. My recollections of Dundee councillors (from the 60s) are that you only got to know more about them after they ceased being councillors!

    I expect your identification was clouded by expecting them to be "well enough turned out".

  7. The No Better Together UKOKs must be thrilled to have got such a massive grassroots turn out. Better than their usual.

  8. I don't know what's causing it, but I'm convinced that the lass in the second photo holding the "Goodbye Cameron" poster has a gap in the clouds pointing straight at her or something - she's showing in far brighter colours than everyone else in that shot.

  9. lol ok....That's maybe stretching things a bit, Illy... but, maybe she just looks more positive, and less worn down by telling us that this austerity is really great and that, the recovery Mr Cameron tells us is here, WILL one day reach Dundee's poorer people... maybe... perhaps, if they are lucky... sometime (particularly if they win the lottery!)

    1. I'm being serious, look at the pavement behind her legs.

      Maybe it's just an optical illusion?
