Tuesday, 29 April 2014


Well... actually, I think we are pretty good to you too.
Take for example, the HS2 Project...
Now, that is a pretty big give from a little country
 that's too poor, stupid and small to run its own affairs..


  1. Tris

    Like the London sewer system Scotland will be paying for something it won't use but that's the point isn't it. They need our money while telling the ignorant how poor we are. Makes me sick to be honest.


    1. Yes, and Crossrail, Olympics and most of the rest of the money that goes to London, because they say it is our capital as well as being theirs, therefore money that is spent on it isn't liable for consequential monies to Edinburgh.

    2. I agree with your post on GSM...

      I don't think Labour will win. All the Ukippers will return to the Tories to get their in-out referendum, which no one else will give them.

      The Tories will probably romp it...

  2. Oh ! dearie me according to the snp/nats anything spent
    outside of Scotland is to the detriment of Scotland....
    wot gonna stop people from going on holiday and spending
    there money in foreign lands in an Independent Scotland ??

    See ole Alex been caught lying again...serial liar that man
    cant pay the living wage cos of the EU er ! not true say the EU.

    1. Nothing Niko.

      Do you fancy paying for a new sewerage system in Paris?

      Want to pay form the new Italian high speed train line from Rome to Venice?

      Why would you want to pay for the London Sewers or the Train from London to Birmingham?

    2. Grow up Niko. The biggest liars are the unionists, with their illegal wars and mistaken belief that they are a world power.

    3. Jim....Niko's looking for stuff to be awkward about. He's getting a bit frustrated because there's not much to moan about so he's clutching at straws...

    4. Hey Niko have you read my reply to you on the other section. All about things like General Grivas, Archbishop Makarious? Are you too young to remember that time, you know when Cyprus fought for it's independence, and quite right too, or were they better together?

    5. Ha ha Helena... I think Niko was the archbishop's dad!!!

  3. Surely that should read £4.7 BILLION not Million ?

    1. Hi Grump....

      Yes, but they said £4,700 million which, I think, is the same as £4.7 billion.

      I wondered why they had done it, but I suppose it's because a billion is such an unimaginable number that some people can't really take it in, but 4,700 million is more comprehensibly a massive figure.

      Don't know if that was the reason but it seems plausable.

    2. Yes must get stronger glasses. Still a helluva lot we could use for better purposes.

    3. LOL...

      Yeah, whatever it was, it's an awful lot of money for something none (or at best VERY few ) of us is ever likely to use.
