Monday 29 June 2015


...Shouldn't make up dossiers of people's insulting tweets to them...

They were begging for this.
I see Jackie Baillie has been tweeting tonight that Tory austerity will hit Scotland hard. It seems she's only just tumbled to it since some "experts" have pointed it out. 

The thing is, you see, Jackie, we knew that all along, without the aid of experts, and we hoped that by voting YES in the referendum we could avoid it. But as you know, you guys won the referendum and we are better together pooling and sharing austerity, and of course, nuclear weapons, Westminster renovations, pay rises for the people at the top, more Lords, Buckingham palace done up...and possibly English train lines, although there may be doubt over that seeing as they messed it up, and having got the votes and secured another 5 years of gravy train, all this crap about a powerhouse in the North (of England) can go fizzle!

Thanks a bunch, Jackie and all your mates.

Normally I'd say that it probably wouldn't affect the likes of you, but I wouldn't like to be you if you lose your seat next year. Iain Duncan Smith knows no mercy and even your poshness and ties with the Conservative party are unlikely to save you..


  1. Replies
    1. Yes, exactly...Although it makes the comments on it look a bit silly, I've removed it.

      I never mind people going off topic on here, but at least a new poster might have had the decency to wait until at least a few on-topic comments had been made. I'd have more patience with it if it hadn't been lifted word for word from his blog.

  2. Does that count as Internet abuse?? Lol

    1. Yes, Anon. I'd say so. And as such it has been confined to the waste paper bin!!

  3. If I remember right there is a saying that goes "people in glass houses should not throw stones!"

    Now my understanding of this wee ditty runs along the lines that the people being told not to throw stones are actually OUTSIDE throwing stones. Unfortunately when applied to the creators of the Dodgy Dossier it is a waste of time and breath. Why? Well because the stone throwers are actually throwing their stones from INSIDE their glass house!

    I for one REFUSE point blank to help them in any way clear up the mess they have created. I am rather allergic to picking up shattered glass ... I might cut myself and I don't think I have that much blood left to be so liberal with it. LOL

    1. I never quite worked out that proverb, Arbroath. I always thought, as a kid, that people who lived in glass houses, probably shouldn't walk around nude!

  4. Tris

    I just don't care what Labour have to say anymore. The proposed an ammendment last night for the Scotland Act and then ensure it can't be accepted. Carmichael votes against FFA which would be one step closer to federalism, the other Liberal MPs were eith not there or abstained, no one at the debate from what I saw other than most of the SNP and a spattering of other but hundreds drag themselves out the bars to vote against the wishes of Scottish MPs and Scotland. You have to wonder what the f we are living in.

    People like Jackie Baillie just make me sick now, they are certainly not in politics for anything like the right reasons. Of course it will hardly be covered so too many will remain ignorant. What a sad day.


    1. Yes, Bruce. That's my big argument with them. They sit in the bars all night, no idea of what is being discussed. For most of them, all they did, half drunk, was do what their party whips had told them to do.

      The Vow and the results of the general election have been well and truly spat upon.

      Clearly the intention from Cameron (and Clegg and Miliband) was to stop the evil day when Scotland took it's money away, and embarrassed them all by breaking up their "great" country.

      They never had any intention of giving us anything meaningful. Carmichael is a disgrace. I don't know how he can call himself a Liberal. I hope he won;t for much longer.

      They are stirring up hatred in people who were only mildly bothered one way for the other at the time of the referendum, by taking the mick. Just like they did in the late 70s, they are saying... right, you're back on the box now. Don;t rock the boat any more.

      I doubt that will happen.

      Baillie lies. She's a joke of a politician, and I hope she loses her seat at the next election and has to get a proper job.

  5. Bleeding angry today Tris and I expect every right thinking person in Scotland who actually is informed feels the same. The last time this sort of thing happened it was the Poll Tax. English votes for Scottish matters seems okay by ALL the Unionist parties. Well I do hope that we see a good clear out of them from our Parliament next year, a clean sweep would be excellent.

    1. Yes, angry here too.

      They have taken us to the cleaners with the help of Gordon Brown.

      Brown ..hang your head in shame. You North Britisher.

    2. We will not allow that man's name to be even hinted at in our house, he is thank god no relation and if he was he would be cut off without a penny, hey he would just be cut off down to size the cowardly cratur.

  6. It is somewhat frustrating (in understatement mode) that Scottish interests as far as Westminster is concerned begins and ends with the wishes of a man who tells lies, a man who sneers and an unfertilised panda egg. (I tweeted that because I thought it was funny. Comparing Scottish Tories to pandas does a disservice to pandas, comparing them to unfertilised panda eggs is more apt and topical to boot. ;-)

    I remember media wonks and political hacks used to say (way back in the 80's & 90's) support for independence actually and truly hinged on the number of Nationalist MP's at WM - that's pretty much been blown out of the water - they've gone quiet over that one. It now seems to hinge on the words of two unionist party politicians who still hold 'high' office - Mundell & Murray.

    Unfortunately, the word of such outlets as the Daily Mail, The Scotsman and The Express is still taken at face value and used against the cause of independence. One wonders what it'll take to reach critical mass support for withdrawal from the union because for now, it seems to me anyway, Scotland's place in the union is hanging on the notion that while a lot of people voted for the SNP, the WM self-interested assumes voters don't agree with the independence bit...

    For now, I hope for a rerun of the 2015 election result in 2016 with people kicking out Slab and putting the Greens in to opposition. I have no idea how that'll work but I think a bit of constructive opposition would be healthy.

    Baillie on the other hand can deploy her most attractive character trait, namely, her absence from public life.

    1. Hey Pa...

      I missed your tweet...

      Actually, aren't there just three fertilised panda eggs... but one who tells massive whoppers, one who tells massive whoppers and another one who probably tells massive whoppers and has the most appalling taste in jackets?

      I think people are getting really angry at what is happening. The already pathetic Smith Commission was watered down by the Tory dominated cabinet, then by the Commons and Lords and they completely disregard what 56/59ths (94.9%) of the Scottish population voted for...and yes, I know that only around 50% of the population voted for the SNP, but that's the way that the FPTP that they so worship works out, and by the same token the Tory Party form a government on about 36% of the vote!)

      I wonder how much more people will take of having our very fragile democracy ridden over by a hoard of Tories on horseback.

      As for Jackie Baillie, I like her best when she is out of the country on holiday.

    2. Unfertilised Panda eggs, sometimes don't you just wish their parents had more sense than to actually breed. Now that utterly disgusting bit of a woman JB is a perfect example of those we can do very well without in Public Life, a liar, and placewoman. Labour is full of them. Lets get them all out next year, and I am not too sure of the Greens either, sorry. I am green thinking I just do not trust Patrick Harvie and I am also socialist in my thinking so why do I not trust Colin Fox and co either. In fact we both worry that the Unionist would make deals with both of these parties to our detriment. There are lots of people I admire in the SSP but not the leadership.

    3. In my opinion, while we are at this critical period in our history (and despite the fact that I like some of the SSP/Greens), the safest thing to do is to vote SNP/SNP.

      Nicola's pretty trustworthy. Let's give her all the tools she needs to beat the Tories.

    4. Exactly Tris, my thoughts as well.

  7. I think it's something else beginning with s, they have been throwing.

    1. They won't like it if we save it all up and then tip it on them.
