Thursday 7 July 2016


#David Cameron, after pudding and pie,
Screwed us over and made us cry.
Now that the "girls"* are out to play,
David Cameron can creep away.

# Thanks to Mick Ryder on Twitter.
* Poetic licence (big time).
Macbeth rehearsals: Witches on stage now please!
The one on the far right... the wee specky one... yes you. 
Don't call us, we'll call you.


  1. Tris,

    The blog regarding Iraq referred to yesterday is under "". Being a bit of a Luddite I don't know how to re-produce it for you so you'll need to wade through some dross to find it. It was on 3rd March 2009 - the year I left school, co-incidentally..

    1. Thanks John.

      Why did you leave school at 45?

      I can't get your blog, but I did find a Munguin post from a few years ago when YOU said you couldnt get your blog...

      So in short, it's disappeared.

      Not to worry. I'd just have liked to read what you said about Iraq.

      That's the trouble with living on a wee island and having gas fired computers, eh?


    2. Thanks to Conan:

      This can't be true, can it?
      The man had only a few yards to walk, from where he had been dropped off, to his hotel in Bagdad. Even so, after a few weeks in Iraq, he walked warily, cautiously on the look-out for an ever present threat and keeping a prudent watch for suspect vehicles. In actual fact, he considered that in present day Bagdad all vehicles, whether occupied or not, had to be regarded as potential threats.

      As he walked he reflected on the differences between the Bagdad of ten years previously and the present. No longer were the streets thronged with vibrantly dressed individuals, chatting in groups or window-shopping. Instead these same streets were now drab, devoid of colour and almost deserted. The few people on the street scurried along obviously in a hurry to reach the comparative safety of their homes.

      A blinding flash later the man found himself collapsed against a wall - with no clear comprehension of what had happened. With an overwhelming sense of unreality he looked around at a scene of incredible devastation.

      An immense lethargy was spreading thoughout his body but, in the absence of any obvious wounds or fractures, he could not work out why this should be the case. When he put his hand on the ground in an effort to ease himself up he touched something warm.

      To his absolute horror, he found that he was looking at a child's hand with a tiny copper bracelet round the wrist and nothing beyond that. In a curiously detached fashion he noticed the tiny bitten finger-nails and, pathetically, a tiny remnant of a blood-red nail polish. He wanted to look away but kept on staring in morbid fascination. He did not realise that he was crying until the tears stained and soaked his shirt. He was still crying when he drifted off into merciful oblivion ...

      Three months later the man was able to return home. As he was eased out of a car outside his house his seven year old daughter rushed out to greet him. Being aware of his disability she reached out with her tiny hand to help him. He found himself crying again ...

    3. Had a tear in my eye, reading that. A situation no one should be in, tragic.

    4. Me too. Good comments too...


  2. "Look like the innocent flower, but be the serpent under't." (Act I, Scene V)

    1. An innocent flower?

      If any of them look like innocent flowers, I'd hate to see what evil weeds look like.

  3. Don't know about anyone else but either of those two witches terrify me. I have a theory though, It is that Leadsome is merely a seat warmer for Boris. We can expect a mess of IDS proportion, then he will ride to the "ahem" rescue. So Niko, get your head round the idea of how bad could it get for you and yours and either get out of here or vote to become an independent country. Not all of us have claims to other countries.This is mine and I would like to see my time out in relative comfort and the same for my fellow country men and women. Helena

    1. Possible, but I really suspect that Andrea has no chance whatsoever. All she'll do is get herself a reasonably senior cabinet seat in May's government, because she represents a faction.

      I really think that Boris has burnt his boats as has Gove.

  4. Grand Old Duke of York and Pork come to mind.

    1. Ouch. Unfortunate association of man and meat where Dave is concerned.

    2. 'The creatures outside looked from pig to man, and from man to pig, and from pig to man again; but already it was impossible to say which was which...'

    3. Orwell had such vision... more than the concept. He actually saw the individual figures.

  5. Brilliant Conan. Thank you.

  6. I cannot imagine that Boris will willingly fade into the back-ground unless there are skeletons which contributed to his present position.

    1. It would be hard for him to fade into the background, I guess, and unless the skeletons are those of dinosaur proportion, I can't image him being embarrassed enough to let him hide his light under and great big bushel.

      But I can't see him making PM now, unless of course May makes a real mess of it, which she probably will and he and Loathsome ride to the rescue.

      The thing is that with both Labour and the Tories at the moment you just couldn't possibly guess what they will do about anything.

      Mrs May however, wants to make sure that no matter what happens the UK has all four submarines glowing bright green at Faslane. No matter how broke they are and that their knickers are all in rags, they need to have four fun coats to cement their place in the world.

      No wonder folk laugh.

  7. Let's call a spade a spade, my dog has a more robust C.V than Leadsom. It needs to be Theresa.

    I've noticed that the hashtag #IronMAYden is now trending on twitter. Thus a legend was born.

    1. LOL... Your dog probably didn't pretend to be an investment manager when his/her job was some sort of personnel function arranging salaries. But then again, Loosesome may have learned her knack of cv writing from IDS...

      I agree May might as well just move in to No 10. Andrea has NO chance.

      Legend? Well time will tell. Who knows? I'm not keen on her bargaining chip of people i know and love, or her rush to renew Trident regardless of the cost while we are in such a mess.

      And I wonder if she will respect the referendum result.

    2. Aye, and we can all remember how the last iron maiden, was perceived in Scotland.

    3. I think Alex used to rejoice when she came up and went on and on about "WE in Scotland"

  8. Scots will have to remember that England's Tories aren't just for Christmas and given the state of British Labour,are likely to be stuck with them in government for a very long time as things stand.
    Also some Scots are going to start realising that democracy isn't just an abstract concept bandied about by a bunch of lunatic nationalists but comes with a cost when you abrogate your responsibilities and allow others to elect your government.
    What is about to be foisted upon us is perhaps one of the most right wing governments in Europe with our human rights being reduced to what is in a party manifesto (or not probably).
    As far as who the next English Tory head honcho will be,to quote a retired Scottish politician "who cares",one is as bad as another.

    1. I'm a bit worried about human right without the ECHR to protect us.

      It seems that the British establishment will always have a high regard for the human rights of it own, but a very great deal less for others.

      Less and less Scotland or NI have a place in this UK.

    2. Allow me to pontificate: Human rights are by their very nature MINORITY rights. In the extreme, they are the rights of a SINGLE individual against the will of every other person in the body politic. Therefore it is not even theoretically possible to achieve human rights by the day-to-day democratic process of governance. Whatever you may obtain by a majority vote of Parliament, it's NOT a human right. Never was....never will be.....never can be.

      You achieve human rights when you have a constitution, and when that constitution LISTS your rights one by one in a "Bill of Rights." A list of rights that are so important that they are yours even if, at some point in the future, every person in the country and every member of Parliament opposes them. Parliament must be utterly powerless in the face of human rights as enumerated in a constitution. Otherwise they simply are NOT human rights. They are at best some popular privileges and allowances that the majority in Parliament decides you can have for a while....until the next Parliament is elected and they have different ideas. as a practical matter it's impossible to get the British to write a constitution. They are too much in love with the process of making it up as they go along. But the British people should understand that Parliament is also making up their so-called "human rights" as they go along.

      Sermon over! :-))

    3. Ha... and it's not ever Sunday.

      We have the ECHR as long as we are in the EU. Many people object to it, but the alternative is that the UK writes its own human rights policy, which as you say, will be the will of the Tory Party of England (largely) and Fluffy Muddlehead.

      But don't you think that even that would have to be adapted from time to time. Surely the right to bear arms is one issue that needs to be adjusted in an amendment, to take into consideration the massive change in the capability of said arms?

    4. It sounds like absent a constitution, the ECHR is much to be preferred to Westminster taking a stab at it.

      I do enjoy lecturing the British on what they should do about their system of government. But honestly, they never seem all that appreciative of my efforts.

      Indeed, you are quite right. A workable practical amendment process is essential in a constitution. And the American history of trying to figure out what the dependent clause means which opens the Second Amendment (the gun rights amendment), also illustrates the importance of getting the wording right to begin with.

      That said, I believe that there is considerable misunderstanding outside the US about the Second Amendment. It actually has been interpreted by the courts in a way that allows considerable discretion in firearm control laws at the state and municipal levels within the federal system....with states like California, New York, and Connecticut as three examples. Gun restrictions are actually quite stringent in many states and cities. Almost impossible in New York City, BTW.

      But the interpretation of the Second Amendment of the US constitution as it applies to the federal system is another sermon for another day. ;-))
