Monday 18 April 2016



There has been a slight delay with Abu's article, which is entirely down to my incompetence, I might add! (Munguin has cancelled my holiday!)

In the meantime I thought you (even Niko) might enjoy seeing SLab's new Battle Bus. And the fact that they've had to ask their ex-ex-leader to lend a hand. 

But why are they are not asking Jimbo? After all, his record on not loosing one seat to the SNP is unmatched, ever, in all history.

I guess he must be off conflict solving! A splendid job for someone who could cause a rammy in an empty room and was part of a government that helped cause conflict all over the world. 

While we are on the subject of Labour chapping doors, can I just stress that it is NOT ILLEGAL (as some canvassers have allegedly been suggesting) to give your constituency and list votes to the same party.


  1. That could be Jim driving the battle bus....mind you on closer inspection it looks a bit like Duncan Hothersall. Johann still isn't smiling. Grim days ahead for the branch office.

    1. Duncan, yes. I wondered what he did for a living... Now I know.

      Poor Johann. I don't think I've ever seen her smile.

  2. Tris

    Heard they are really struggling across the board getting activists out, really really having a hard time. Totally non existant in my bit of Dundee. Have had a lot of stuff from the SNP, national Tory stuff, a little Liberal and zero Labour. The Tory stuff poor and appeared to have renamed the party Ruth for a strong opposition (shit name for a party), the Liberal stuff ok but following a national narrative, SNP stuff ok but really pushing NS and no idea what Labour will be doing, not a lot by the look of things.

    Saw a bit on the news from Glesgie where the reporter was told to stick his Labour leaflet up his arse, not one person stopped was voting Labour or had a good thing to say about them. I assume they just could not find a unionist to ram down our throats, they should have shipped some in like the usually do but it was funny.


    1. LOL That sounds serious for Glasgow.

      I think that as it was the most Labour place in the country, and the population was completely taken for granted (there were MPs who had never canvassed), when they turned, they turned with vengeance on their minds.

      I feel sorry for the good, decent Labour folk that hae lost their "home", taken away from them by Tony Blair and Lord of Darkness Mandelson in a drive to recruit Tories from the leafy lanes of Surrey.

      I've just had a good leaflet from the Greens. National but featuring Maggie Chapman adn I have to say a rather silly one from TUSC threatening what is really insurrection... ie refusing to implement London's cuts.

      Sounds good, and very appealing...but what are they going to do when the money runs out?

  3. Replies
    1. That's how it is in my house.

  4. Well I got a personally addresses missive from my neatest friend Carla Hilton who obviously did not get my message which was I would sooner take poison than vote for her. Also got one from a party called Ruth Davidson, d did not look my sort of thing. I did get one from the FM w which was the only one with any policies on it. So Sunday Herald in case you are note are interested it will be SNP twice. Helena

    1. LOL. I understand that the editor who took the Sunday Herald into supporting the YES campaign has retired, and the paper is no longer what it was when he was editing it.

      I'm betting they will lose a LOT of readers over the lies they told about what Prof Curtice said.

      Carla, bless her. Didn't she base her last campaign on keeping schools open then Labour voted to close them?

      This new party Ruth Davidson sounds dodgy to me. I don't think I want a party that is ashamed to mention its name in its literature.

      The irony was that it was her that desperately wanted to keep the Tory Party name and logo, and Murdo who knew it was time to ditch the English Tories and their association with Thatcher and her reign of terror.

  5. I don't wish to appear unkind but I hardly think this particular "battle bus" would be Jackie Baillies' chosen means of transport

    1. Erm no. You are probably right, but it's not politically correct to mention we wont! :)

    2. It could be if she downsized.

      Sorry. Red rag tae a bull.

      Saor Alba

    3. I think that this is Niko's car.

      Taz won't go near it!

  6. More battle fatigue, than battle bus.

    1. Ha ha. I image that they are by now!

  7. tris and the other Nat extremists

    You can take the pi@@ as much as you like but remember you are still in a Scotland
    within our glorious UNION you can laff and Laff But your faux laffter is the only shows
    With all the nat crap you ain't got out of the Union and you never ever ever ever will .
    So stuff that in yer bubble car ha ha ha

    The Union the Union The Union forever

    1. And we're all the better for it; my ar#e!

    2. Better together... so we are.

      I keep on telling myself that as I see all the jobs they promised us going south, and more and more people in foodbanks, and more and more cuts and...well, you know.

      Who knows when we'll get away and escape the misery of constant Tory governments forced on us by 30 million people in teh South of England, but we will one day Niko.

    3. yeah of course you will thankfully I will be dead hooray !

      Listening on the wireless to a farmer saying how the minimum /living wage
      is destroying his business, he says some farm producers are exporting the
      growing and harvesting of crops to places such as Poland etc thus paying
      poverty level wages and making more profit from slave labour .

      Ain't globalisation a wonderful thing .

    4. I thought you were immortal Niko.

      The whole thing is out of sync. Farmers need to be able to make a profit, but I suspect some are greedy and want a big profit; but then supermarkets want to buy stuff at next to nothing so that they can compete in this market we are told is the only way forward.

      I suppose we could become isolationist but then who would run the world at America's right hand?

    5. You missed all the lies the glorious union told you then?

    6. There were plenty of them!

    7. Sounding a wee bit desperate there. Never mind; enjoy your Union wherever you are. Big day for you tomorrow with one of Her Majesty's birthdays to celebrate - get your Union jack out and have a good waggle.

    8. LOL @ a good waggle!!!

  8. tris

    And atfter the referendum Cameron thinks it will be business as usual
    And just sail merrily along....Boy is he in for surprise no matter the result
    the one certainty is Cameron will be the loser

    1. He's not planning to stand for election again so he will creep away without facing the voters - just like his hero Blair.

    2. Why is the BBC ignoring 100,000 people protesting two weeks in a row in his capital, outside his home, about how bent they think he is?

      I mean I know it doesn't suit their agenda to report this stuff...specially when there are the same things going on in Malta, and they are overthrowing the allegedly corrupt president in Brazil, and that's obviously of more importance to us¬!

      We know that despite their charter the BBC are politically biased, (and that that is one of their minor faults). Academic research showed the bias during the Scottish referendum. Two separate studies at pos doctoral level.

      Now desperate for more money from their charter review they will do anything Whittingdale wants.

      Should we send down a whip!?

      If he loses then he's gone the next day. He admitted he would have gone if he's lost the Scottish one and the queen had screeched rather than purred.

      If he wins, he's strengthened, but he's stirred up a lot of strong sentiment which won't easily go away.

      Again, look what happened to the losers after the Scottish referendum, and ask Jim what happened to the winners. And if, shortly after the referendum he's found to have lied... which of course he has, he he he, he's finished.

      If I were him I'd take my multi millions and run like the devil. Things, can only get worse.

  9. All of you nats

    I curse you with all the the plagues which the EU remain camp can command
    even after they win a YES something the snp couldn't achieve .

    That's bad I know but you made me do it

    1. Unfortunate for you I have the power to protect all these guid folk and send your plagues back to you with double intensity... nae luck :)

    2. See Niko. Best not to mess with the best...


    3. Still sounding a touch desperate. Never mind; keep calm and have another drink.

  10. I don't hear anything from Europe begging us to stay. Are they hoping for Brexit and will be saying "Good Riddance".

    Or is the Meeja imposing a blackout?

    1. You certainly can't trust the media to tell us the truth. It's quite laughable the way the Tories are pulling themselves though. I'm enjoying it. But the ridiculous claims and counter claims they are making about how much worse off we will be; how much better off we will be. The NHS will fall apart if we stay in; it will fall apart if we come out... blah, blah...

  11. At Citizens Advice today.
    Filling in form that only had 'British' as nationality. The guy allowed me to write 'Scottish', and said the form will be changed as loads of folk are refusing to tick the British box. A nice moment in a challenging few days. ☺

    1. Nice one.
      Hope everything works out OK.

    2. Jutie:

      We've all be thinking about you, hoping you're doing OK and getting some answers.

      I refuse to put British on anything. If there is a drop down menu and there is no Scottish choice, I put The Vatican!

      Keep us informed, Jutie. You're part of the Munguin family!

    3. Do you still get the goods? I resent being offered only a British box - well I have since September 19th 2014.

      S A

    4. It's usually on things where I'm not paying any money.

      My Amazon address has UK in, but I've put Scotland (on .uk) and Ecosse (on .fr) in capital letters in the space they give you for the county.

      No one has queried The far.

  12. It's not exactly Anas Sarwar's red battle bus, is it? What's puzzling me is that the party of Peter Mandelson, Tony Blair and Gordon Brown would choose the colour red. Weird!

    1. That's what I thought when I saw it, Iain. We've all had to take some cuts over the last few years...well, except MPs, Lords and the royal family... but I saw Sarwar's bus in Dundee. It was massive .. it had to be to cart all these posh young people from London around. What on earth happened?

      As for the red...who knows? It goes with Ms Lamont's jaicket?

      BTW, is The Ruthie Party using a tank as their battle bus?

  13. Kezia Clegg-ThatcherApril 21, 2016 2:00 am

    Heartwarming to see Johan Lamont there with her usual joyful, carefree, happy expression. Must be fun to be a Brancher working with Darling, Mandelson, Cameron and Clegg to make people's lives better. That's why she's always so chipper.

    1. Not sure I've ever actually seen that woman smiling.

      As you say, it must be the company she keeps!!!
