Saturday 28 November 2015



  1. The wee moudie's wantin back doon it's tunnel.

    1. I think he's sleepy, or hungry too!!

  2. 11. You've got to kiss a lot of frogs before you find your prince!

    Thanks for a great start to a Soggy Sunday Tris, and the snow's a comin.

    1. Och you're welcome Gerry... The snow is here with vengeance!

      Off out to feed the birds and the mice... and make sure their water hasn't frozen

    2. @ Tris, Your neighbors are OK with your feeding the local mice?

      We're having mild weather in the Midwestern (Central) USA. The temperature hasn't even been down to freezing for any extended length of time here in Missouri yet. And for that matter, I don't think it's even snowed in New England yet. Anyway, you need to tell Munguin that just because it's snowing over there doesn't mean he can run for President.

      Love the Bison(s)!

    3. Well Danny, I don't know if they are or not, but to be honest, I don't really give a damn. There are bound to be mice in gardens...field mice... and I may as well make sure that they are fed outside, so that they don't feel a need to make their way into anyone's house. I couldn't stand to see an animal hungry.

      Any neighbour with a problem can address the issue with Munguin...if they think their tough enough!

      It's not been cold here, just dismal, wet, misty and some snow... we call it "dreich". in Scots.

      No Munguin realises that the snow has to be in New England, before it counts... Old Scotland doesn't quite cut it. In any case, Munguin feels that the job of PotUS is probably a little beneath his dignity, being the head of a media empire and all...

      He'll have the ear of Mrs Clinton... On the other hand, if the hairy one wins, he's rather less certain. You wouldn't want to get too near that head, lest it do you damage!!!

  3. Those were marvelous. Loved the Hansel and Gretal cottage and the baby elephants. As for the penguin power shower... The fed up orang baby was having a bad day but might have been cheered up by the beautiful leopards - from a safe distance.

    Anyway Sunday isn't Sunday until I've been to MR. Now off I'm to rest before the Davis Cup Final, the tension fair takes it out of you. If Andy wins today and he should, Dunblane wins the cup :-)

    1. Glad you liked them PP.

      Fingers crossed for the tennis....

  4. Munguins view of the world versus the homicidal maniacs of Westminster, no contest.

    1. Munguin for President... or so says Munguin anyway.

      Thanks Golfy.

  5. Ah. What lovely photos.

    1. Happy you liked them, Marcia.

  6. i must thank Jimnarlene for confirming that the wee thing at the start was indeed a mole. Apart from the snow, I loved every one of them. Just got back from soggy and flooding Dunfermline Glen with an equally soggy Hektor, Admired the two water babies, Standard poodle and Labrador romping in the park whilst my lap dog just wanted home for a cuddle which he is doing now.

    1. The comforts of King Hektor...


    2. Sorry, Helena. It's a new born black bear, not a moudie, my mistake.

    3. Oops. I thought he was a mole too>
