Sunday 8 November 2015


Munguin has just handed me Joe Pike's book Project Fear. I look forward to sharing bits with you over the next few days.


  1. I've just ordered it after ploughing through most of Cochrane's shite. Unfortunately I haven't finished it yet (for a simplistic propaganda piece it's hard going. I suppose I should stop hurling it across the room every over page...), so you'll probably beat me to it.

    1. You're a braver man than I. Cochrane is more than I could handle!

      I read half of Mr P's book last night. It's a good read, well written and gripping.

      On occasions it's hilarious.

    2. Conan

      what not reading the Beano anymore then ?

    3. He's waiting for you to finish it and pass it on.... duh!

  2. I had a chuckle aboutSpud earlier, he'll make a mess of that too, if anything he's consistent; consistently bad.

    1. It's just so ironic.

      But as I said on Twitter: If Tony Blair can be a peace envoy....

  3. Aye but on the upside, if he's away abroad causing trouble, he won't be here in Scotland causing trouble. We have a few weeks of praying to go and if he isn't on the Labour list we are rid of the bast@rd.

    Every cloud has a silver lining.

    Saor Alba

    1. True.

      I just feel sorry for all the people who will suffer as a result of his interference.

  4. I was wondering what all those unemployed Labour MP's were getting up to and funnily enough I googled Jim Murphy to see if the unemployable had got a job. I should not have feared of course Mr Murphy, late of the CIA school of intervening would be okay. God help the world if the likes of him and Blair and supposed to be "peace makers".
    Noticed that Maria Eagle has supported the Army Officer in doing down her boss, says much about Labour does it not, so busy stabbing each other in the back to be working with their constituents business.

    1. I expect it was his good mate Tony that got him this gig.

      The army officer concerned should be sacked, or whatever it is they do to senior people... Well, maybe not, because it's usually pay them off with a massive pension and a seat in the House of the Living Dead.

      The army does the bidding of the prime minister in this country. The notion that the army would take it into its head to refuse to take orders from an elected PM, no matter how corrupt the electoral system is, is quite frightening.

      Eagle should be sacked.

  5. Jim Murphy will make an excellent conflict resolver; all you have to do is listen to his advice and do the exact opposite. Sorted.

    1. He's certainly been proving that his entire career.

  6. For Murphy conflict resolution means,Do I drink the bottle of Irn Bru in my left hand or the one in my right?
    Does he still carry his crate around with him?
    I suppose that if he succeeds in getting the natives stoned out of their minds on the stuff,they will be less inclined towards conflict but beyond that wouldn't hold out much hope.

    1. I wonder if he's on commission from Barrs. Doubt it, given their drop in sales following his Irn Bru tour?

  7. excellent piece from Craig Murray:

  8. tris and the other hindsighters

    Ya lost deal with it.......and yer would lose again iffen Nicola had the Cojones.

    Yeah the snp lost the war but won a battle.......

    Corbyn a conchy pacifist who cant bow low enough doesn't wanna blow
    up innocent civilians and our own armed forces ...
    dastardly Coward unpatriotic swine..

    Cameron and the other chicken hawks who cant wait to murder
    innocent women ,children civilians and our own armed warriors who when
    left mutilated come home to poverty and sanctions .
    are alleged patriotic Heroes ..,,

    what the F''''' that abaht ?

    1. You won, albeit a pyrrhic victory, get over it.

      As for the rest, indeed, what is it all about. Neo- con warmongering Britain, kinda what you voted to keep.

    2. I think yes lost the battle, but I'd say that the biggest losers were Labour. Seriously wouldn't you.

      I've been disgusted with the way the press has treated Corbyn this weekend.

      He didn't bow low to show respect for the troops; but he doesn't want to use a weapon of mass destruction that could blow millions to pieces and irradiate hue tracts of land... and he's wrong both times.

      Well, he's not wrong with me. There's a lot I could disagree with him about but I'm 100% with him ...the guy who says no to drinks with the other nobs, and instead speaks to the ACTUAL people they were supposedly there to pay respect to.

      No one who's dead actually noticed just how low the idiot Cameron bowed, or the murderer Blair.

  9. Pyrrhus one of the greatest generals in antiquity,,,,,,,,,,,not that you would know or
    even care......

    I voted for a Socialist UK unlike the snp oligarchy and unending whinging

    1. You know nothing of my education or interests, to make such a judgement.

      Labour had over a century, to make a socialist UK. It would appear most inhabitants of the greater part, that would be England, do not wish it so.
      Why then, must we Scots socialists suffer that what England wants and not live with our own choices?

    2. On reflection, I can see why you like Pyrrhus, he was a lot like "Scottish" Labour; stabbing his friends in the back to enrich and empower himself.

    3. It's interesting Niko, that you voted for a socialist UK, and what you got was a Tory UK.

      Your own party seems absolutely determined to undermine your party leader at every turn. That Eagle woman actually praised the senior army officer who threatened rebellion and military dictatorship if Corbyn refused to allow them to go to war.

      Chile, Argentina...

    4. Ooer Jimminy if I have offended you it was unintentional my tongue was
      firmly in cheek(of my mouth of course) and i apologise

      tris and Jimminy

      Socialism is dream which keeps the light glowing in the darkest night
      a dream whose time will someday come.....

    5. Apology accepted, but not required.

    6. It won't come in the UK, Niko.

      Even if Labour voters want it, the parliamentary Labour party does not.

      Mrs Eagle wants military dictatorship.
