Saturday 12 September 2015

Soppy Sunday

* 2nd last photograph taken in the garden of a Twitter friend, "Taylor"


  1. Is the raccoon at the top saying, "here is the news, and tonight's top story is......"

    1. Much rather have the raccoon than Jackie Bird!

  2. my favourite MR of the week! So many smashing photos this week. I love waterfalls and the racoons are sweet and your back garden is an inspiration. Plus orangs, what more could you ask for.

    I must say though Seal looks so sad, maybe he's not got over splitting from Heide Klum :-)

    1. Glad you liked it. I think seals just have a sad look about them.

      Thanks for the kind words about the garden :)

  3. Brilliant once again.

    I see the montbretia are out in the garden shots. One of my favourite flowers, gives a nice bit of colour at this time of the year. And those waterfalls! Wow!

    1. Thanks Gerry... yes, it's fantastic and it spreads every year. It's welcome colour. I need more colour in the garden. Must try to do something about that next year.

      I've been really impressed with the wild flowers that so many towns in Scotland have been sowing in verges. I'm going to try that again next year.

  4. Always love these photo's and as PP says love the garden pictures as I need the inspiration. The Orangs are always cute. Kicking myself for not taking a bit of the montbretia out of the old one, now we have to go and get next year always a favourite in our gardens. I too like the wild flowers which have been sown all over the place, there is a lovely patch just up from Oakley in the verge and there has been loads of it planted round Dunfermline and don't they look beautiful and good for the bees.

    1. I was sitting thinking what on Earth is Montbretia when a quick search showed it to be what I called (wrongly!) Crocosmia! See this Munguins's Republic - it's so educational so it is :-)

      Now if someone could only tell me what that beautiful dark purple and white flower is, my day would be made complete. Are you another orang fan then? Quite frankly how could you not be, unless you are John Brownlie...

    2. variegated purple and white rose.

    3. I'm not that much of a gardener really. I just wanted to create something a little more interesting than a lawn and straight borders... and I wanted something that would give wildlife a place to live. I've got piles of rocks and rotting wood all over the place. You can only do that with a kinda random garden. It's not to everyone's taste!!!

      Really important to grow stuff that bees like, and have places where bees can breed.

    4. I think the names are interchangeable PP.

      I've heard it called both.

      And, I have to add that there is only one John Brownlie! Unique!

  5. Does that donkey at 3 have a Scottish granny by any chance?

    1. I bet he can trace his lineage back to Duncan's donkey!

  6. Lovely animal photos. The Waterfalls pictures are so soothing. Well done young man.

    1. Thanks Marcia. Glad you enjoying them.

      We all need soothing sometimes.

    2. Thanks Marcia. Glad you enjoying them.

      We all need soothing sometimes.
