Tuesday, 11 August 2015


For those of you who missed yesterday's post, or got bored reading half way down (I don't blame you), I just wanted to let you know that Mark Frankland's book "The Great Foodbank Siege" is now available on Amazon Kindle.

For those unaware of the background to this book, Mark's blog is available here (or in the side bar). 

Basically, Mark, as well as being a writer, is an independent food bank manager. He runs "First Base" in the town of Dumfries.

First Base hasn't got the support network of The Trussell Trust food bank, a national group of foodbanks with the rather dubious slogan "Every town should have one". What they do, they do alone, with the help of volunteers and donors.

If you read back through his blog you'll learn about some of the lengths Mark goes to get food to give the people of his town, the contacts he has built and some of the tribulations of his job. It's worth a read.

First Base supplies an amazing 5,000 food parcels a year in a town of around 50,000 people.

Mark tells the background to the book on his blog far better than I can here, so I'll leave you to read it there.

I've bought it and it's a page turner. A ripping good story for the not unreasonable price of £3, which after Amazon's share and VAT will net the charity around £2. Exciting too. I was reading it out loud to Munguin last night and he was hiding under the duvet!

We need to do this folks, or the foodbank won't last beyond January.

So if you have a Kindle, or you can download to your Kindle App, please give it a look HERE, the Amazon page.

And, it would be great if you could tell your friends, tweet it, put it on Facebook or any other media you use, and finally, you might write a wee review on Amazon. These reviews make a difference to sales.

I know Mark, and more importantly, his clients, will be incredibly grateful.

Thank you.


  1. Thank you kindly Tris, i will be purchasing it will go along nicely with Toxic also by Mark dealing with matters during the referendum. Here I was wondering how to manage my reading and so many books have turned up in time.

    1. Great Helena. I know my mum's bought it and so has Jim of JimandArlene, so that's 4 so far.

      It's not much but you can buy a lot of food for £8!!

      And besides, I'm sure there are many more. :)

    2. I'm half way through it, had to stop and rebuild my daughters motorbike engine, it's a great read, thoroughly enjoyable, tears one minute, laughing the next, a few wry smiles, followed by anger.
      I'd recommend everyone reads it, not only is it for a good cause but, it's a damn fine read.
      I may drop a link to it, over on Wings, that should raise the profile a bit.

    3. Brilliant Jim.


  2. I don't really want to add another £1 to a tax evading multinational, so is there a direct link to First base?

    1. I don't know, you could go to Mark's blog and ask. Use the link in Tris's blog post.

    2. Actually I'd like an address for donations too Anon.

      We'll see what Mark says.

    3. Anon: Address - The First Base Agency, 6 Buccleuch St, Dumfries, DG28PX. Cheques made out to 'The First Base Agency'. Bank details. - TSB. Account name - The First Base Agency. Sort Code - 30-25-88. Account No. - 00533183. That should do it. Many thanks once again.
