Tuesday 10 September 2013


Numptie? He should be that clever


  1. Just as well he doesn't do anything important for a living then otherwise there may be some questions that need answering........ oh wait a minute isn't he Prime Minister of UK or something?

    1. He's something in Downing Street...just hope he has nothing to do with security.

    2. Niko, are you getting absent minded and senile of something... You posted that yesterday.

      I worry about you.

      Are you coming on the march? Is Taz coming?

  2. That box looks as tired as and out of date as the UK with all there pantomine props.

    Meanwhile Why is the Labour Party in bed with a RIGHT-wing thinktank? because they are all in the same party.

    1. Pitt the Elder probably gave it to Pitt the Younger to play with, and now Cameron gets it to play with as long as Nanny isn't cross with him.

      He probably saw something big and shiny, possibly made of gold, and got distracted.

      That looks scary.

      I seriously worry that people don';t realise we are running towards living in a country with 2 right wing parties, each vying to be more right wing the other.

  3. Bugger says you may be on the march tris?

    1. Indeed Conan... depends on my timing.


  4. Trust to probe BBC Scotland over Creighton EU 'News Blackout' claims

    BBC Scotland chiefs are to be investigated by the corporation's Trust following complaints that the broadcaster imposed a news blackout of comments from a Foreign Minister.

    About time this corrupt organisation was shown for what they are.

    1. Excellent news...although I heard this morning that the government is thinking of doing away with the Trust....

  5. This coalition just keeps finding a new low to smack into don't they?

    Not content with sheer blinding incompetence in his own life, the PMs education secretary has added to Tory woes... he just hit out at the poor. Gove has said food bank dependent families are to blame for their own plight ... for not 'managing their finances' better.

    This from Gove, the git who claimed £7k in expenses he has since had to repay.

    Would you trust these people with your future well being?

    1. I wouldn't trust Westminster with anything at all no matter their colour.

    2. Gove is beyond belief. He doesn't even have the excuse of being detached because he started life with a golden spoon up his backside.

      They are beyond description. They are sickening.

      Many of the people who depend on food banks are working, but their rents are high and their wages low.

      If you claim the off thing on expenses and have to repay it... it can be an oversight; an administrative error, but if it's £7,000 then either you are an appalling administrator, or a thief.

      And no, I don't trust them with my future. I wouldn't trust them with the office coffee fund. Indeed I'm frightened for the future with these people as they move further and further to the right, taking away liberties by the day and selling yet more of Britain's few remaining assets to their big business, incompetent buddies.

      That's one of the reasons I want out.

      And frankly, Dean, for as long as the Labour Party in the South is driven by a need to gain votes, as Mandelson said they were, from the affluent in the the most populous part of Britain, I have very little more confidence in them.

      I want a real Labour Party back. One with Labour principles. Funnily enough the one that Gordon Brown talked about last week, but failed completely to emulate when he had the chance.

      So I'm in total agreement with Cynical there...

      A pox on all their houses.

  6. Of course from time to time it falls to Americans to point out the shortcomings of other nations. And in that spirit, I must tell you frankly that that is one PITIFUL looking Red Box in which to transport ministerial papers.

    I'm not really sure what kind of boxes the American government uses for this purpose, but I'm quite sure that they are MUCH grander. On the other hand, we must also consider that they are now in Russia with Mr. Snowden. ;-))

    1. LOL Danny. I would be fair to say that it is one pitiful box for one pitiful prime minister...although when it comes to being grant His Etonness is second only to the Emperor of Japan.

      You do make an important point though, about most of your red box material (if not the red boxes themselves) being in Russia.

      I suspect that, if they have all that material they are unlikely to be that interested in a memo from the foreign secretary to the prime minister.

      "Dear Prime Minister, I met with John Kerry as he instructed me to do. I was very polite and respectful as you instructed me to be. Everything went very well, because I agreed with everything he said, and called him 'your excellency' loads of times. (I was advised that they like that, not having any proper titles of their own.) All was well until he mentioned Syria, and at which point he got out a big cane and told me to bend over. He says mr Obama wants to see you in his office at 4 o'clock, when you can expect the same. Just like being back at school. Apropos of which, the odd thing was, that he spoke a lot in French. Fortunately Ffion and I have been learning some words for our holidays in Cannes and I was able to pick up the odd word here and there. He kept on mentioning something called a "true duck". Any ideas?

      With best wished, Wee Willie.

      Editorial note. "True Duck", may refer to "Trou d'cul" which, roughly translated into English means hole in the bottom!

    2. LOL Tris: Thanks for the help with my high school French on that "duck" expression.

      I read that George Washington toyed with the idea of "Your Excellency" as the proper presidential address. But he decided that it was too grand, what with Americans being by nature a very humble people. ;-))

    3. erm... yeah... Danny.

      The first time someone said it to me (there have been quite a few occasions... I really did wonder: a) why they were speaking English, and b) why I was any kind of duck at all, never mind a true one...

      Ah well...c'est la vie.

      Never mind. We'll make you an honorary 'Guardian of the Thistle' or 'Keeper of the Haggis', when we are independent...

      And you can call yourself excellency...

    4. Thanks Tris. I'd gladly accept either title.

      LOVE the "true duck" expression. :-))

    5. Not so sure you'd want to be Keeper of the Haggis. I mean it's great stuff once in a while, but my goodness, as I'm told they say in America: "It gets real old real quick".

  7. Tris

    Gove is a wanker, excuse the language, but they all are. They have no idea about what is going on in this country and take their orders from the banks I suspect. But, as I have stated previously we are to blame for allowing our country to become this. I can't believe that the majority of party members believe these people to be right, in saying that candidtae selection is such a joke in all the parties that real people are only good for putting the leaflet through the door a couple of days before polling day.

    I voted SNP at the last local election and explained to the one candidate who came to my door that a) was not overly happy that she and the other SNP candidate lived in the Ferry and not the West End and that if I did not hear from them regarding what they were doing locally etc through a simeple thing like a newsletter then they would never get my vote again. Low and behold I have heard nothing so this needs to improve quickly or they lose my vote at the next local election which would be sad as Dundee had fared better under the SNP than it ever did under Labour and various rainbow coalitions.

    Gove is just an example of say one thing at election time and do nothing and upset people when in power, as I said wankers.


    1. Good point Bruce.

      SNP councillors and MSPs and MPs need to remember that the whole future of the country depends on how satisfied people are with their performance.

      Of course the government of an independent Scotland is pretty likely to be Labour and Nation Party time about, with coalition with Greens, Socialists, and Liberal (if there are any left), but nonetheless, the perception is that the SNP is an example of how things would be after independence.

      So my advice is get out there. write some stuff, get you team writing stuff, let people know what you are doing for them. Get yourself in the papers for the right reasons, and keep your noses (and all other parts of you) clean.

  8. Do they not travel with a small security team and should one of them not have seen the eejit's lackadasality (made that up) and baby sat the fekin box?

    Do you know what that means, our PM is alone in a public place for any foreign mischiefmaker to exploit and endanger.

    1. In theory, yes... but maybe they are as efficient as the rest of the Downing Street team. I mean, you'd have thought that a security detail might have noticed that there was a daughter missing, possibly kidnapped by terrorists, at some point in the pub outing.

      What's a wee red box with daft memo from Wee Willie and some a doll of Boris with wax drippings all over it compared with a little girl abandoned at the pub?
