Friday, 10 July 2015





  1. If you say to someone with no interest in, or knowledge of, politics that "employment" is available, with no qualifications, where you can turn up for work at any time you chose, head into a subsidised dining-room, eat, drink and be merry and then being able to sleep it off on a cushioned bench, they would think you were mad! If you then told them that they, themselves, were paying for it through they taxes they would be a tad more than mad. Perhaps the 12 days of Christmas could be amended to "800 Lords a leeching"?. It would be interesting to challenge those who appointed them on what grounds or justifications there are for elevating such as Lords Foulkes, Martin, Reid etc etc to the peerage? I seem to recall that Cameron, who wants to lower the number of MPs, elevated over 100 to the House of Lords since 2010. Can we expect to see the Alexander brothers and Murph to be joining them soon?

    Watching Question-Time I must say that I was impressed - and so were the audience - by Tommy Sheppard's contributions but less than impressed by the harridan from the Tory party who must be trying to out-do Margaret Curran in harridanery. After Tommy's truly impressive "maiden" speech in the House of Commons he seems to be going from strength to strength. Thank goodness he changed from Labour to the SNP as he would have been a formidable leader of "Scottish Labour"..

    1. it's true, John. If all jobs were that easy then I'm sure that we could solve the unemployment problem in a heartbeat.

      Of course the original House of Lords was ridiculous, and I suppose that Labour's changes to it over the years were done with the best intentions of removing power from hereditary scroungers.

      But as with most things, the best intentions.

      Now if you describe the House of Lords to anyone from elsewhere, no one can quite believe that you aren't spinning them a fairy story.

      A small super elite who are allowed to elect from their own number some 90 people to sit in parliament; a couple of people who, because traditionally their families looked after the funerals of the king and other state occasions get to sit there (like no one else could organise a funeral); 26 bishops and archbishops of the state religion; and hundreds of placemen given titles because (mainly) they gave a lot of money to the political party that nominated them or because they once had jobs as MPs and got booted out by the public.

      Understand that if you come from Switzerland!

      I understand that Murphy has refused a peerage, probably aping his hero the bloodstained Blair.

      Tommy Sheppard is superb, as are so many of the new Westminster intake. Ads you say, he would have made a perfect Labour leader for a Scottish only party...but I can't see him taking his orders from focus groups in Hampstead!

  2. Replies
    1. Probably drunken parasites. Or maybe it's just that the ramblings of the rest of the membership would put even a sober 25 year old to sleep.

  3. tris and interested others

    I have re-joined as a supporter of the Labour party so as to vote
    for Jeremy Corbyn as leader of the Labour party more in hope than

    I understand and accept this will bring down a rain of hate and abuse upon
    myself. but its my democratic duty to help an alternative to Labour austerity

    1. Nope. I hope you are successful Niko.

      Jeremy Corbyn would be a fantastic leader.

      In honesty I don't know how he would go down in England, particularly the rich south east, and I have a feeling that the likes of the shadow cabinet might want to look at splitting from a party led by him, but the alternative, more of the centre right designed for Surrey party will probably die out, because why have fake Tories when the real Tories are doing such a "good" job?.

      I trust there will be no hate and abuse, Niko. You are doing the right thing as you see it. I happen to agree.

      I hope Harriet et al realise that the increase in the membership that his candidacy brings, is to vote the likes of them out.

    2. Nico, if you are anything, you are true to your beliefs, I just don't agree with some of them.

    3. Well, that's fair, Jim.

      I think I probably agree with most of Niko's beliefs, I just don't think that the UK is the way to deliver them, and I don't think the Labour Part as is will be able to pull it off. But I salute them trying.

      The trouble is people at the top don;t listen. However, now that they have one member one vote, if people really do believe that Corbyn's policies are the best, then I'm not sure how they will be able to stop him getting the leadership, short of fiddling the vote for one of the right wingers.

  4. Good luck with that Niko, cannot but think that if only Jeremy and John and Dennis got together and started a proper left wing party they would have to fight off supporters but sadly the Party is everything.

    1. You have to salute their trying though. It can happen.

      I'd have said, looking back that the SNP has changed direction since the days of Wilson.

      Labour has done it before, it might pull it off again.

      Mind you, if Corbyn was English/British leader, who would be able to lead Scotland. Certainly not Dugdale and her "aspirational" policies.

      Most people who need Labour have aspirations. They are just not the kind she imagines.

  5. Looking at those peaceful people, you could imagine they had popped into the library for a heat. I think the richer you get the meaner you seem to get and why use your own house when there is such a comfortable alternative. Used to think we should have the electorate names taken off the list for the House of Commons, wouldn't it be good it we took the names of Senior Citizens, those only on the State Pension and let them loose on the House of Lords or we could call it the Senior Chamber. Two year spell, how do you think that would go down. They could still go off to sleep, but somehow I think they would be looking after us, not them.

    1. Their building... no palace... in which they sleep all day after a good repast and a considerable amount of subsidised drink (who ever allowed that?) is crumbling into the river. I say: let it!

  6. It's absolutely disgraceful, that, a unelected body of lords, can hold sway over the public, it's utterly shameful that those same people receive £300 per day just for turning up at Westminster, regardless of whether or not the actually participate in the debates.

    To add insult to injury they also have the benefits of taxpayer subsidised canteens and bars, and when they've had their fill of that they can nod off, quite content that they can do it all again tomorrow, British democracy at!

    1. It's the kind of thing that if you explained it to a foreigner they'd say WHAT THE...??????

      Of course the words "British" and "Democracy" should never appear in the same sentence.

  7. What a disgrace Tris. Buy these guys reclining leather chairs for their mansions and provide them with webcams and laptops. Let them fall asleep in their own homes at NO cost to the UK tax payer. Or maybe float them out sleeping on inflatables to St Kilda from Scottish shores and these wasters can start a HOL colony of their own - and pay them £300 per day to survive on zilch!

    1. If I were ever Prime Minister, Alan, I'd definitely put you in charge of reforming the House of Lords... Mind, I might have to put you in the there to get you into government!!!


      St Kilda sounds about right.

    2. I would change the rules so that anyone accepting a peerage knew that after 5 years they became shark or orca food, their choice the peers that is, and all their assets were distributed to the local community. The UK a democracy in your dreams as it never has been and never will be under the present set up.

    3. OK. You can be BigAlan's deputy.
