Sunday, 5 July 2015

Οι Έλληνες είπαν «όχι» The Greeks said "no"


  1. I sense panic in EU HQ. The wheels might just come off, and about bloody time too.

    The single currency was never designed to be in the interests of the people, but the financiers. They are the ones who benefit if the economy is booming, and also if it is bust, since they can (a) get a bailout and (b) profit from misery.

    But politicians are always in favour of little legislation, despite what they say.

    1. Panic everywhere. It's democracy and a referendum that didn't go the way that important people wanted.

      The muppet Cameron is chairing a Cobra-style meeting. He'll probably want to go to war.

    2. Cameron is a fucking idiot to put it bluntly.

      Thatcher, for all her faults, wasn't one to panic. She would select a course of action and stick to it. Cameron on the other hand seems to bounce all over the place.

      One thing to thank Broon for - he didn't put us into the Euro. He did one thing right!

    3. Reading a book about Thatcher at the moment. Fascinating: Thatcher and Sons, by Simon Jenkins.

      One of the troubles with her (apart from her being barely human, almost totally without emotion or human understanding) was that no matter how wrong she was, she could never U-turn because of her famous line.

      I'm not sure would ahve done anyone. She simply believed that she was always right.

      She's the only person who's political memoirs I have started, I have been unable to read.

      Everything was other people's faults. Nothing was hers.

  2. Greeks use Democracy and the rest of Europe dislike it. Pity the Scots hadn't used it properly first then we would be in a better position. Waiting to see what use Cameron makes of this crisis, are we not supposed to be protected from the Euro by not being in it? A likely story, waiting to hear how much of my pension is to be robbed.

    1. Well, it is bound to affect us, or something else will and the €/Greek situation will be blamed.

  3. 'Mon, the Greeks, a wee country telling it's big neighbour where to go.
    Do you think the irony will be lost, with Niko?
