Sunday 7 July 2013


My blogger friend, James, from "Scot Goes Pop" designed these posters and sent them to me with an offer that I could use them on Munguin's Republic.

I think he should send them to YES SCOTLAND and let them use them. Each one makes a point that is relevant to our situation, whether it is a comparison with Norway, a comment on the state of the nation's health under the funding we receive from Westminster, or the ever (un)popular Mrs Thatcher phenomenon. 

I like all of them, but my personal favourite is the depiction of Wee Willie Hague as our voice in the world... What an absolutely appalling thought, not only because he's a silly little man with very little judgement, but because his views on world affairs are probably shared by about 2% of the Scottish population. As I said to James, I'd love a t-shirt with that on, but it really would frighten the mice.

Anyway, what do you guys think? Which are you favourites? Should James send them to YES SCOTLAND? Tell us what you think. As they say in the Labour Party, vote early and vote late, and several times in between... 



  1. brilliant, can't decide which is my favourite, get them to yes scotland

    1. Hey Scottie... Nice to see you.

      I hope James reads that.

      I completely agree.

      After the Willie Hague one I think my favourite is the first one, with Eton Boy on it... I can just imagine him saying that.

      Go on, go on, go on, go on...choose one...

  2. Is Blair saying to Bush, "left hand this time, boss?".

    1. I thought he looked a bit like he was going to hit him... then I remembered that it was probably the other way around... unless Bush, along with his other oddities, was a bit kinky....?

  3. I was thinking of something more intimate than a punch. ;-)

    1. Kinda wish you hadn't mentioned that... just before lunch too!

  4. I think James should send them off to Yes. My favourite is the Norway one for several reasons. Hague is an arse but he could be replaced, would that mean we should call indy off? Also yes he's a Tory but would Douglas (where's Wendy) Alexander be any better?

    No the Norway one shows just how much better together we really are.

    Off to prepare for a gruelling afternoon of tennis. Playing? Naw watching.... Cmon Andy, beat the curse of Cameron (who is planning to attend, interesting to see how he and Alex Salmond interact and who has the better seat).

    1. Good point PP...

      It's also a very positive one... This is what we could be like.

      Enjoy the tennis. People begged the Eton Boy not to go, because they reckon he jinxes the guy, but I suppose if you are from that class no one can stop you going to what is, after all, part of the London season.

      Obviously Cameron or Cameron's servants will make sure that he has the best seats, right next to that bloke from the royal family. Alex won't bother about where he sits. He's not there to be seen.

    2. Yesssssss, well done Andy. Alex brought a saltire and sat behind Downton Dave who's been all over the news, but ignore him. They'll be partying in Dunblane tonight.

    3. Well done to Andy Murray indeed PP.

      Of course, correct me if I'm wrong, but in grand slams, you are actually playing for yourself, rather than for your country, aren't you... so they can argue whether he did it for Scotland of Britain or Europe... Basically HE did it.

      But is is Scottish and we're proud of him.

    4. Panda Paws, you are right in what you argue that Hague could be replaced for instance by wee Dougie (though my favourite would be Boris - just contemplate that for a moment). But rational critique aside that is the one that is the "laugh out loud" poster.

    5. Yes... that would be a good poster. You thought [Cameron photo] was bad... What about [Batty Boris photo]?

      The a positive message about a positiv Scotland. job done.

  5. Aye, the Saltire got about a third of a second before they changed cameras.

    1. Hey Conan... how's it going?

      It's getting good coverage on the the internet. Everywhere I look there are photos of Eck smiling like he really means it, with his saltire in his hand.. and Eton Boy looking like he's swallowed a wasp... which I hope he has.

      Of course the BBC doesn't report what happened, but then it hasn't done that for years.

  6. Replies
    1. Actually Conan, Niko is right. According to the New York Times he is indeed English!...

  7. Andy is English tonight

    1. Bang on... Oh well, I say well done to him, even if he's from Albania.

  8. Tris

    I just hope and pray he doesn't take the knighthood the day before the vote. Any Scot taking a gong should be ashamed, ie Hoy.


    1. I've no times for these gongs that change people's names. For heaven's sake we are in teh 21st century, why are they creating more members of the lower aristocracy?

      We should be working to equalise people's status ion life, not separating them with titles.

      That is why I only ever refer to these people by their titles tongue in cheek... (Like the Noble Lord, the Baron ffoukes). If anyone thinks I would ever refer to them as Sir Paul, or Sir Sean, they can forget it. People who want that kind of crap make me laugh.

      Why the lower titles refer to the British "Empire" is beyond my comprehension. The British Empire is about 5 islands costing us all a fortune.

      Hoy is a nob, who has managed to make a fortune out of his hobby. Books and adverts for Kellogs Pfffff. I hope Murray turns them down if they offer him something. Then they can give it to Rod Stewart instead. Apparently he's whining about not having one when Paul mcCartney and Mick Jagger do... For heaven's sake! prat.

  9. tris

    Elaine (comment on the tory diary

    Well, it was won at the all English Lawn Tennis Club.. but leaving that aside, he is British and why wouldn't we share in the victory? Unlike the Scots, we English don't have a chip on our shoulders.

    Didn't we cheer just as loudly last year for Chris Hoy as well Mo Farrah who is British by adoption and Jessica Ennis who is English?

    and she dont even realise what she is revealing,

    1. LOL LOL. So, if it's where it is won that counts and not who won it, then every year both the men's and women's titles have been won by the English ... What is the silly woman on?

      Well I suppose Rafa Nadal is European and as we are too I guess we can share in his French Open win.

      And we are all citizens of the world so when the Chinese got all these medals we could claim them as ours... specially as they were won in England.


      In the end, well done Andy Murray. He won it mainly for Andy Murray, I guess... and he's probably laughing like a drain at all teh politics.

      Although maybe especially at all the people who said they hoped he would lose because hes a 'Scotch' something or other...

    2. PS... why are you reading the Tory diary, Niko? You're not defecting are you?

  10. I have thought about this and have decided that your proof reader should make my decision even though I prefer the oil one.

    1. Hum... I'd have thought it was pretty obvious that I don't have a proofreader... :)

      The oil one is really good because it is so positive...

  11. Chuffed to bits for Andy.

    A wee bit miffed as to why the fact he's Scottish has been airbrushed from the entire affair. That burd claiming Scot's have a chip on their shoulder is all wrong. With the support he got from all corners of the UK, absolutely everyone should revel in his victory.

    They couldn't avoid talking about Dunblane but couldn't bring themselves to even passingly comment that its in Scotland.

    Not that I've compared them, but one wonders how this years Wimbledon headlines compare to last years in terms of countries mentioned.

    Other than that, Paul Bettany must be seriously pissed off. I mean a lot of folks think Fred Perry was the last British, erm, English, ummm winner. But everyone knows it was Paul Bettany in that film innit.


    PS: I like the Norway picture and the Think Hope idea.

  12. I saw in the Independent that: "The Nation has waited 77 years", which is a bit of an exaggeration. I mean, by and large only posh people think about tennis at any time other than the 2 weeks of Wimbledon. Still...

    In other news apparently Britain is having a of sport. What with the sell-off of playing fields in English schools when they are taken over by Tory businessmen interested in building housing on the land, I can't see that continuing.

    I think that the Norway one has it... and if James is reading this, I think what we are saying, James, is send these off to The Yes Campaign.. Particularly the Norway one.

    Oh, and is someone gonna tell Pa that Paul Bettany didn't actually win Wimbledon... It was just a story...

    Or did he?

  13. I like the last one where Blair looks as if he is going to punch Bush - an opportunity not to be missed!

    1. Probably be nicer if someone was going to punch them both, don't you think John?

    2. Or bang their heads together at 30 mph.

    3. Oh go on...make it 50... just to be sure

  14. Was in Norway with my wife a few months ago using their first class postal hydrofoil service (not far from the feature in the photograph). Two local youngsters sat down next to us. As we were chatting in Welsh to each other. They asked what language we were speaking. We explained and complimented them on the quality of their English. The first who had just finished university said she spoke eight languages including Arabic and Fasri. The second had a number of languages and was studying music and had spent the last 12 months in India. It turned out she had spent her upper sixth (Year 13) there paid for by her government. Her brother had an interest in a minor A level subject which was not taught locally so he was given funding to stay in the nearest town so that he could develop his academic interests. I asked how it was possible that they could fund this. They replied it was from oil money and the government recognised it would not last for ever and they were using the money to invest in the nation's future - their young people giving them excellent opportunities so that Norway would be able to prosper and continue to grow in the future. We Welsh were where you Scots (with your oil) are now 100 years ago with the best steam coal in the world, but it has all gone and we have very little to show for it. Don't forget the first million pound cheque signed in the world was signed in the Cardiff Coal Exchange in 1904 at about the same time Norway voted or independence.

  15. Anon: What a fascinating post.

    I genuinely don't think that people here believe that life can be as good as it is in Norway, and that had we not had to pay for wars, mass unemployment, nuclear weapons and maintaining the pretense of the empire so that a long list of prime ministers and foreign secretaries could play at being big guys... we could have been living in that world too.

    I had no idea about the first million pound cheque being signed in Wales in the coal exchange, although I did know about the mining, and my headmaster at school was a Welshman who spoke Welsh first and English second, admitting he more or less translated everything to and from Welsh. He told some great stories of life in the valleys before Thatcher killed off mining. A wonderful and inspirational man who ran a damned good school. Thank you Ellis Owens.

    Thanks so much for sharing that with us. If you think of any other stories you'd like to share from your trip to Norway, please don't hesitate to do so...


  16. James should send these to Yes good to waste

    1. Agreed.

      James, I hope you read this.
