Monday 17 November 2014


In Missouri (where Danny, our man in America, lives) there is today, a state of emergency in anticipation of the decision of the grand jury about whether or not a white police officer, who shot dead an unarmed black youth, will face prosecution. 

A series of leaks has suggested that the officer Darren Wilson will not be indicted. He shot the victim, Michael Brown, after an altercation, which occurred when Wilson stopped Brown and a friend for jaywalking. 

Wilson pleads self defence. 

Our thoughts are with Danny and all Missourians tonight. Hope that there is no trouble, but if there is, that you are far from it.

“There’s a lot of people who say there’s a lot of wealthy people in that room. If they all pay their taxes in the right way we wouldn't need these fundraisers singles – what would you say to that?” asked Steven Secker of Bob Geldof.

“I think they’re total b*****ks,” Geldof responded.

Of course, in a way it's true. If 'superstars' paid their taxes there would still be Ebola, and, because it is happening in Africa, and not in Europe, no one would have done that much more about it. Governments wouldn't pay anything more and we'd still need these fund raisers. 

But it doesn't detract from the fact that a lot of these so called stars don't pay their Gary?
Scots wha hae wi Alex bled,
Scots wham Darling aft misled,
Welcome tae yir Tory bed,
Cuts an misery.

(By John Jappy, independence campaigner of note, who apparently suffered a heart attack on the day he tweeted that little ditty, but who fortunately was treated swiftly at Raigmore Hospital and is now back home.) Speedy recovery to full health to him!
With the SNP conference this weekend and all the ensuing excitement, I neglected to pay tribute to my own personal superstar pal, Petula Clark, on the occasion of her 82nd birthday. As is pretty much usual for her, Petula was working, giving two concerts in Geneva, Switzerland, as part of a massive tour of France, Switzerland and Belgium. Her friends got her a cake, though...  and I see some of her family appearing stage right...

Joyeux anniversaire, Pétula, et merci encore mille fois pour toute la musique et l'amitié.
So these are the shoes that everyone has been going on about. I have to say that I didn't notice... Honestly I was listening to what she was saying and I'm not the most observant of people when it comes to what people are wearing...

So what do you think...will they take off?

Finally, for those who missed the comments on the last blog post...

We've noticed for a few days that Niko wasn't commenting, and John pointed out that his blog appeared to be for invited guests only.

Well, the reason was that Niko was in Belfast following the death of his brother.

Everyone at Munguin's Republic wishes Niko and his family well at this sad time in their lives.

We hope he'll soon be back with us.


  1. Condolences Niko.

    I well know how a thing like that makes writing a blog seem petty and you lose all interest in it for a while.

    Cheers mate.

  2. Deepest sympathies from the Brownlies to Niko and family.

  3. I may torment him, but may I too add my sympathies for his bereavement.

  4. Is it too soon to say I love the shoes, the pity is I can no longer wear these things, too high.
    May I also add that I wish John Jappy a swift recovery, he was a wonderful addition to the YES campaign.
    We in my household think also that like the Mexican seeds we should become the Midgies of the Political World, we need to annoy and irritate.

    1. John Jappy's inside knowledge of the lies and corruption of Westminster and his well written articles showing them for what they were, were valuable information tools.

      If the shoes catch on, I'm sure they will make them with smaller heels.

      I'm just wondering if we'll see them on 45% of women's feet in the near future!

      A bit Bay City Roller!!

  5. At 7 years of bus pass, I'll go for Tartan Slippers. I need a new pair as my current ones are showing their age.

    1. Awww... and we were looking forward to you trying out Nicola's!

    2. They look like Stewart Hosie's to me. :)

    3. I'll tell him you said that... if he hasn't read it for himself!!

  6. Thoughts with Niko , Tris .

    Hope he stays in Touch.

    Best wishes too for Mr Jappy. Loved his videos and work for the YES vote.

    Love this pics Tris , and yep the shoes are cool . A young friend in the next flat was off to get a pair.

    Shades of the Bay City Rollers indeed. Now wheres my tartan shirt and platforms. :)

    1. Can't wait to see you in the Bay City Rollers gear Richy...

      ... see, I thought these shoes would catch on. I bet all the girls are wearing them a the office Christmas party!

  7. Shoes like the above lead to dancing and we all known what that leads to.....! They also leave marks on the roof of the car.


    1. Get your mind of such things. Dancing is a sin I don;t need to tell you. The next thing is you'll be wanting to do it on the Sabbath and that way only ruination lies, as I'm sure you know.

      On the roof of the car... ? Is that the outside or the inside, John? Or should I not ask?

    2. On the subject of Geldof, I thought this was a telling contribution.

    3. You into wearing stilettos these days Mr Brownlie? These are too high for dancing. 2 - 3” heels are best. Watch Strictly. :D

    4. LOL, SR...Mr Brownlie doesn't dance. Well, at least not when he's sober. The next thing you know he'd be enjoying himself and we all know that's forbidden.

  8. Sorry to read about Niko's bereavement.

  9. My condolences to Nico.
