Thursday, 3 December 2015



  1. I remember that joke when it was about Nixon.

    1. The old ones are the best ones... or so my granny said...


  2. Has god confirmed this?

    1. Would he dare disagree with the Eton Boy?

  3. I've never been able to take Cameron seriously. He reminds me of those naval officers during the war with Napoleon who got daddy to buy their commissions and turned out to be bloody useless.

    But a military career isn't attractive anymore, since promotion to high office is rather harder than it used to be. So our useless twats decide to go into politics. Doesn't matter f you fail, since being born into money means you can arse about until you get that safe seat. Not that I'm against people having money; it's when they can buy influence or a career which can screw everyone else that annoys me.

    I don't rate Cameron at all. He's like Milliband, a product of our political system. True, the job of Prime Minister means you have little control of your daily life, and you must have to deal with a lot of monotonous shit. But hey, a good book deal and a seat in the HoL when it's all over makes it worth it.

    You can see where he lacks character when he is on the defensive. He gets riled up and rather red in the face. He cannot take criticism and this showed up last night when he pointedly ignored polite requests to apologise for his comments. Anyone with balls would have stood up and said "sorry" and gained respect. But he's like a little boy who's birthday party isn't going well and has a strop on.


    1. Someone put together a video of I think 13 occasions when people opposite from Labour, Plaid or the SNP asked him to apologise for what he said. He wormed out of it each time, becoming more ridiculous with every stupid fatuous comment. I totally agree with you. He should have said right off that we was wrong to say what he said and that he was sorry to have used these particular words.

      People say loots of things in the heat of the moment but he's the prime minister for heaven's sake.

      He apparently got a safe seat after having been turned down by the Tories, because of a letter from Buckingham Palace. His mother is related to the queen it seems, albeit relatively distantly.

      He always appeared to me to have got where he got because of who he was, whom he knew and the school adn university he's been to. That he was probably the least uncharming of the Tories when they finally got rid of "something of the night" Howard
      after the catastrophes that were Iain Duncan Quiet Man and Wee daft Willie, must have helped too.

      He never seemed in the least in control. He mixed up fact and figures and didn't know the difference between the deficit and the debt... rather important when your whole policy is to reduce both.

      I don;t doubt he can be charming. He had the best education money could buy. it was bound to instil some sort of social ability in him.

      But I don't think he's clever. If he is he does a good job of disguising it.

      The red face and Flashman come out all too often.

      It's not well paid, although I image he spends very little of his salary and lives in considerable splendour, travels first class, and will soon have his own royal/presidential plane... and then afterwards...

      Well you only have to look at most of them.

      He'll be entitled to a title. He can chose it. And unlike Blair he won't have the encumbrance of a wife that detests titles. Thatcher (lord), Blair and Brown have made a fortune out of selling their experience as the PM of the second most important country in the universe. The British Empire.

      None will ever be poor again.

      I just wish the UK had some decent politicians. Scotland has a few.

    2. This is very much worth a read. mark Steel is one of my favourite comedian/commentators. His stuff is superb and he has such style.

  4. Funny that now we are AT WAR, the newspapers have decided to out Mr Cameron and his own, his very own dodgy dossier is a load of tripe. Couldn't do it the day before, reminds me of every clever budget which after a few days proves to be a load of rubbish. As for what Zog said, my Husband's grandfather had an officer in the trenches during the First World War who never left his bunker during his tour of duty, if you want to see the Victorian Class system at work today, just look at the British Services, the only regiment you will be promoted in to officer status if you are a not an Hon is the Royal Engineers.

    1. I'm sure Tony's dodgy dossier took ages to disprove.

      Maybe the press has gone off Cameron?

    2. I see Craig Murray says that it is the Times and the Sun which have come up with the dodgy dossier reports, so Mr Cameron will not be looking for support from there any time soon, as Craig says way behind him.

    3. Helena

      Not sure there my nieces husband has just been made an Officer
      started up as lowly marine then into 7th para made sergeant then
      RSM and now Captain.....

      Mind he is a fervent Unionist

    4. Just becasue someone is a unionist, it doesn't necessarily make them a fervent Cameronite, Niko.

    5. Helena, that's factually incorrect about promotion to officer. The paras for example take a very high percentage of their officers from recruit training, and their officer wannabes have to pass the same tests as enlisted men. You cannot buy a commission or influence your way in. A lot of lessons were learned during WW2 about this.


    6. tris

      you have not met him or his family make me look like
      an extremist Scottish nationalist of the worst kind

    7. Oh dear... :)

  5. Niko,

    Not sure there my nieces husband has just been made an Officer
    started up as lowly marine then into 7th para made sergeant then
    RSM and now Captain.....

    That was quite an incedible promotion for anyone. I assume some time went bye?

    You do know the ranking system in the Army?

    A jump like that is do-able, particularily with battle honours. It is also extremely rare.

    Your nieces husband has my admiration.

  6. Tris,

    Y'know, I looked at the picture, and I didn't notice. You are very, very clever,

    "“The creatures outside looked from pig to man, and from man to pig, and from pig to man again; but already it was impossible to say which was which.”

    And I nearly missed the difference too.

    1. I wish I could take credit for the picture, Douglas.

      I should have that kind of computer skill.

      I just found it on the net and thought it was appropriate given is proclivities. Apposite quotation from Orwell too!
