Alex Salmond: First Minister (Constitutional affairs)
Nicola Sturgeon: Deputy First Minster
Cabinet Secretary for Health & Wellbeing
Shona Robison: Minster for Commonwealth Games & Sport
Michael Matheson: Minister for Public Health
John Swinney: Cabinet Secretary for Finance, Employment & Sustainable Growth
Aileen Campbell: Minister for Local Government & Planning
Fergus Ewing: Minister for Energy, Enterprise & Tourism
Kenny MacAskill: Cabinet Secretary for Justice
Rosanna Cunningham: Minister for Community Safety & Legal Affairs
Michael Russell: Cabinet Secretary for Education & Lifelong Learning
Alasdair Allan: Minister for Learning & Skills
Angela Constance: Minister for Children & Young People
Richard Lochhead: Cabinet Secretary for Rural Affairs & the Environment
Stewart Stevenson: Minister for Environment & Climate Change
Nicola Sturgeon: Deputy First Minster
Cabinet Secretary for Health & Wellbeing
Shona Robison: Minster for Commonwealth Games & Sport
Michael Matheson: Minister for Public Health
John Swinney: Cabinet Secretary for Finance, Employment & Sustainable Growth
Aileen Campbell: Minister for Local Government & Planning
Fergus Ewing: Minister for Energy, Enterprise & Tourism
Kenny MacAskill: Cabinet Secretary for Justice
Rosanna Cunningham: Minister for Community Safety & Legal Affairs
Michael Russell: Cabinet Secretary for Education & Lifelong Learning
Alasdair Allan: Minister for Learning & Skills
Angela Constance: Minister for Children & Young People
Richard Lochhead: Cabinet Secretary for Rural Affairs & the Environment
Stewart Stevenson: Minister for Environment & Climate Change
Bruce Crawford: Cabinet Secretary for Government Business & Strategy
Brian Adam: Minister for Government Business & Chief Whip
Alex Neil: Cabinet Secretary for Infrastructure & Capital Investment
Keith Brown: Minister for Housing & Transport
Fiona Hyslop: Cabinet Secretary for Culture & External Affairs
Law Officers:
Lord Advocate: Frank Mulholland
Solicitor General: Lesley Thomson
Brian Adam: Minister for Government Business & Chief Whip
Alex Neil: Cabinet Secretary for Infrastructure & Capital Investment
Keith Brown: Minister for Housing & Transport
Fiona Hyslop: Cabinet Secretary for Culture & External Affairs
Law Officers:
Lord Advocate: Frank Mulholland
Solicitor General: Lesley Thomson
ReplyDeleteA Fat First Minister with an ever-expanding waist line enlarges his (separatist)Cabinet to make a big Fat one in keeping with his Ego and his trooser(xxxxL) size.
wonder which one of them will end banged up in Bar L for fiddling their expenses etc spose we will have to wait a year or two still worth the wait eh
All paid for by the Public Purse he swore to reduce
Health & Wellbeing..Groan! what a load of snp cack
Yeah! that was a good nasty post of mine externalises some of the sour bitterness i feel towards some Labour MPs whose behavior makes me feel sick to the bottom of me stomach.
ReplyDeleteI calls it therapy
Niko, just soak up some Ouzo and forget about Scots politics.
ReplyDeleteYer no very guid at it...
ReplyDeletewise worms from a fat man with a big fat erse to match
ReplyDeletekeo i drinks keo yummy!!
Don't you mean Scottish executive?
ReplyDeleteGrow up Dean.
ReplyDeleteHum Niko.
ReplyDeleteWell, I'm glad you got that out of your system, epecially on the day when an ex-Labour ex-minietr went to prison for theft.
But, anyway. How's that bar and the bar staff. I hear Richard Baker (IQ 400 and counting) is going to be shadowing finance. Bet John Swinney is fair trembling with fear at the thought of facing tthat towering intellect.
If I remember the last time he had anything to do with figures he managed to mix up £2.5 million with £500,000,000. Still, easy mistake to make.
Oh and you're starting to bear a strong resemblence to Homer Simpson. I'd cut out the do-nuts!
ReplyDeleteAye Conan, what does he need with Scots politics out there in the sun?
ReplyDeleteWell Dean. The Labour party tried to insult the Scottish parliament, which was the only one it feared, by calling it's government an executive, but calling the Welsh one, which it did not fear because it had no powers, a government.
ReplyDeleteIt was stupid, petty, and typically Labour small minded of them. If you feel that it's appropriate, carry on calling it an executive.
After all, the two things are the same anyway. Just as First Minister and Prime Minister are pretty much the same. The French have a Premier Ministre, and so do we. The Gremans have a Chancellor, the Irish a Taoiseach, the Norwegians a Statsminister and the Icelanders a Forsætisráðherra.
Labour didn't want Scots getting any idea that they were in anyway equal with Westminister in their "pretendy little parliament", so they didn't call it a government, but an executive.
The important thing is what is DOES, rather than what it is CALLED.
That dough ball Baker kneads to be brought to heel as he will never rise into a cream bun and will only end up like a flat pancake.
ReplyDeletePlum Duff esq
That's a bit on an insult to a pancake isn't it.
ReplyDeleteI mean they can be tasty, but no one could possibly find Baker tasty in any way at all. Could they?
Limited vocabulary tris!
ReplyDeleteI have, or he has CH. :)
ReplyDeleteIf what is important is what it does rather than what we call it, why did the SNP spend so much taxpayers money on the rebrand? Hmm?
ReplyDeleteBecause the initial name was an insult. And it wasn't THAT much money.
ReplyDeleteDean why does the Tories Scotland Bill agree to call it a government then?
ReplyDeleteYou have read it I assume!
ReplyDeleteDean sees nothing subservient in us having an “executive” until the grace of the English Tories allows our government to actually be a Government!
ReplyDeleteThat will be because he enjoys bending the knee and cringing at the hem of English masters!
ReplyDelete"Aye Conan, what does he need with Scots politics out there in the sun?"
Another few multiple billions of Euros, I'd wager?
Off to do spot or riot and insurrection in Madrid, or Barcelona, or Valencia or Burgos; in fact anywhere in Spain. The Arab Square revolution is forming in Europe as we slumber. From the BBC and other MSM, not a lot.
I wonder why?
The interim Labour team are:
ReplyDeleteLeader: Iain Gray
Justice: Johann Lamont
Health: Jackie Baillie
Finance: Richard Baker
Education: Malcolm Chisholm
Parliamentary Business: Paul Martin
Rural Affairs & Environment: Sarah Boyack
Culture & External Affairs: Ken Macintosh
Infrastructure & Capital Investment: Lewis Macdonald
Chief Whip: John Park
Anybody know what the Lib Dem team are LOL!
ReplyDeleteLeader: Iain Gray
ReplyDeleteJustice: Johann Lamont
Health: Jackie Baillie
Finance: Richard Baker
Education: Malcolm Chisholm
Parliamentary Business: Paul Martin
Rural Affairs & Environment: Sarah Boyack
Culture & External Affairs: Ken Macintosh
Infrastructure & Capital Investment: Lewis Macdonald
Chief Whip: John Park
Just remember 1984 and reverse every title.
Richard Baker at finance?
ReplyDeleteThe one who doesn't know the difference between 2 and 500?
Oh, he'll be good at that.
I know they don't have much to choose from but that's a hum dinger.
The Hon. Paul Martin gets a "job" too I see. He's one bitter and resentful person. I think he must have been counting on being a somebody in the government, given Daddy's elevated position in the English political scene... the first Speaker for 300 years to be chucked out for being useless..
You mean The Ministry of Doubleplus Injustice Snooty?
ReplyDeleteI imagine the Liberal team will be:
ReplyDeleteLeader: Willie Rennie
Farming: Tavish Scott
Everything Else: Nick Clegg
I heard about the young Spaniards, Snooty.
ReplyDeleteGood for them. Local elections or no, they have every right to be aggrieved about the intolerable youth unemployment figures.
I know the UK's are not as bad, but they are not far off, and getting worse by the day.
Osborne's plan for the private sector to take up the unemployed from the Civil Service was dealt another blow yesterday with the closing of steel works on Tyneside and the loss of 1500 jobs, plus the extra 33% that always go with that in service industries.
I guess that they will need to take on some more Civil Servants to deal with the claims for JSA. And then keep some of them on to try to find a way of doing the unemployed out of their money after a couple of months.
Where is the guts in the UK Labour movement? Probably too busy dining at the club with the heads of merchant banks.
ReplyDeleteNo matter what our parliament is called your lot will never be relevant in it. Small bitter bit players are all they ever will be.
Is it just me or is Aunty Bella trying in her last days as leader of the unelectable to undo some of the good work she has done over the last four years. It appears that the nasty tory is coming out if her speech at the election of AS as First Minister is anything to go by. Is she trying to leave her successor a poison chalice? Back to the distant past with the nasty torys.
I see Iain Duncan Nobody is challenging Alex Salmond over the date of the referendum. Alex Salmond has probably collapsed laughing, IDN is a joke not a politician.
You lost badly on 5th May Dean, get over it, five years of a government putting Scotland first then the referendum timed when we will win, and guess what Dean we are doing it deliberately.
Yes I saw the item by the failed ex-Tory leader. I can well understand why he is so convinced that the SNP will lose the referendum. He after all knows all about losing elections seeing as his own party stabbed him in the back in a no confidence vote before he ever got to lose a general election. He also knows an awful lot about lying on CVs and so should make him adequately qualified to be Employment Secretary and an MP.
ReplyDeleteWhich Scots banks are those? Does he mean HBOS and the Royal Bank of Scotland? The chairmen of both of which were knighted by the English government for “services to banking”, when the English government wasn’t noticing what a mess they were making of it?
That will be Halifax Bank of Scotland I suppose. Last time I looked Halifax was in England, so that particular bank will be only half Scottish. The other one was RBS? Was that not the product of a merger with the much larger Nat West? I did not realise that the National and Westminster was a Scottish bank before its hostile takeover by Sir Fred Goodwin. Is that not what he got his knighthood for? Funny that, they are British banks when the knighthoods are being handed out, but Scottish when they need bailed out. Despite obviously being more than half composed of hitherto English banks.
Let’s not also forget that English banks also needed a bail out. Northern Rock, Bradford and Bingley spring to mind.
And finally the notion that nobody in England said a word about bailing out the so called “Scottish” banks. That is another whopper, just like most of IDS’s CV. They kicked up a huge stink on blogs and in the press about it. Ian must have been polishing his bald head at that point.
As long as failed Tories go on coming up here and giving us their opinions about what we should be doing it is almost as good as David Cameron or Nick Clegg leading the “no” campaign.
It would be sad if Annabel undid the undoubted positive influence that she has had on Scottish politics by being churlish about her lack of electoral success.
ReplyDeleteThe Alex Salmond for First Minister nightshirt wasn't that funny and it made her look less statesmanlike than wee Gray... which, as I said, is a pity, because she was the de facto opposition for four years and a relatively good one.
As for Iain Dumbass-Smith, the Herald reports that he talked at length about Scottish banks being bailed out by English taxpayers. Firstly he talks about them as if they were all Scottish, forgetting to mention that the Royal Bank of Scotland, although actually run from Scotland, was an amalgamation of banks from the UK including the massive National Westminster and Williams & Glynn, which were many times the size of RBS... and of course the HALIFAX Bank of Scotland, which was managed from Yorkshire. And then there are the English banks that went bust Northern Rock and Bradford & Bingly, about which the quite man has nothing to say.
Duncan-Smith is a fraud. It is bad enough that he is doing what he is doing to our poor...remember people are dying while being slung off Incapacity Benefit at his say so, and if someone doesn’t stop him there will be homeless people on the streets of London in time for their Olympic games. Still they could have a new sport.... jump the homeless person... and name it after him.
He lied on his cv and made himself out to be what he wasn’t, and when he got the Tory leader’s job, all the inadequacies showed up.
At least Cameron is the real deal Old Etonian, Old Bullshitingdon Drinking Club kind of leader. No fraud there.
IDS says he’s Scottish. I see little evidence of that in his character.
We covered the same ground there Munguin.
ReplyDeleteIt is worth mentioning that IDS sid that the English didn't moan about bailing OUR banks out.
I think he'll find that they did. They moaned a great deal in fact.