Tuesday, 28 April 2015



  1. Good to see so many articulate young folk expressing their opinion civilly in an open forum, Scotland has lost its fear which has held it back for so long.

    1. Agreed. I don't agree with everything he says, all the time, but I respect that he's saying it.

      Internet has simply changed things.

  2. I am 99% sure that that is a map of Morrowind over his left shoulder. I'll obviously be voting for him, when he eventually stands. (I too am a fan of ESO).

    See alliances, see who you end up being pals with? It is all connected but in the weirdest of ways.

    He was very good and the darkness at the end was very witty.

    1. Yep, very good, and he can be very funny.

      He's at uni at the moment. Maybe one day he will stand.

      Maybe in an independent Scotland.

  3. The more young people who can voice their opinions the better, no matter what their political beliefs. No punching the air or anything like that, just well presented views. Messages delivered calmly carry more weight than the thunderous tirades (Cameron take note: I've seen more genuine emotion in a brick. Wasn't he just b*****y awful the other day?).

    Maybe there are more like him who could get the opportunity, no matter what party they support. It would be interesting to see and hear their views. Holyrood will need fresh blood, and I prefer to see politicians who work themselves to parliament, rather than relying on a path like Milliband took.

    1. Yes. I agree. I'm always happy to hear other parties' views and it is good hear from young people and students (not that students aren't young people, if you know what i mean.)

      It wouldn't do if we all agreed.

      I can't watch Cameron without feeling physically sick. He's not a politician or a statesman, He's a greasy PR man, not very good, but with the confidence that Eton and Oxford give, and the knowledge that whatever happens he'll always be stinking rich and all right Jck

    2. tris,

      It is interesting, is it not, that all the Westminster Politicians appear to be reading from a script? Not a cue prompt, but an internal, inadequate script, written into their brains by their 'script jockeys' and their 'political advisers' and their 'media professionals'? And that they almost always address us from pretentious back-drops of perhaps their millionaire pad or a view of the House of Commons? The former and the latter views are potentially intertwined.

      This guy speaks from either his bedroom or his box room. There is no glitz or glamour, the echo off walls is obvious. The amazing thing is, that his voice, whether I agree with everything he says or not, is out there, without the fan dabby dozy glitz of a Westminster broadcast on behalf of the people who talk down to you.

      It is commentary like that and your own site that gives me hope for the future. We will democratise communication and then we will win. Why? Because we either replicate media 'glamour' or subvert it. Subversion of media constructs is becoming increasingly easy as per the 'worst thing since abdication' trope.

      I think that the fight back for our own brains -v- the borg collective of advertising has already started.

      Anyway, love your blog.

    3. First off, thank you Douglas.

      I've never really been sure what Munguin's Republic was for, compared with the brilliance of some of the other blogs around, perhaps most specifically Wings, Ginger Dug and Scot Goes Pop... and many others too.

      It's so encouraging that we get such support and encouragement from readers.

      Of course social media is all about folk talking from their bedrooms or box rooms...no studio, no expensive equipment, no nothing. Just them and their thoughts.

      Facebook, Youtube, Twitter and Blogs. It's largely amateurs getting out there and talking to people.

      Of course stars are born on social media as anywhere else... Charlie is so Cool, Thatcher Joe, Smosh on Youtube, Stuart Campbell on blogs, and Twitter followers for the likes of Russell Brand or Humza Yousaf are phenomenal compared to me or you.

      But there is a platform for all of us, however lowly, and it has changed things.

      The wonder of it is that politicians, even younger ones, fail completely to grasp the fact that their cosy world of telling lies and bribing newspapers to do it for them (with interviews and exclusives, not to mention knighthood sand seats in parliament), whilst not quite over, are now relatively unimportant. In 20 years time why would you bother to bribe the Telegraph owners with titles. No one will read their rag anyway.

      Actually make that 10 years in their case.
