Tuesday, 9 April 2013


Absolutely no reason for posting this, except that I couldn't bear the picture of mrs Thatcher on the blog every time I opened it. Anyway, it's a beauty of a thistle.


  1. The crawling of the BBC to her just reinforces my view of corruption at the heart of the British establishment. Strange how all of the MSM is ignoring the questionable donation by one particular individual.

  2. The donation to the NO Campaign by the dodgy businessman?

    Yes... how odd. Now wait till they Yes Campaign shows its figures...

    There will be a £5 donation from Old Mrs McTumshie and they'll be looking into her background to find if she ever said anything nice about Hitler in 1934.

    The creeping is pretty sickening. But just occasionally they will go to someone who actually says what (s)he thinks instead of what is expected of him/her... I'm thinking of Shirley Williams or Ken Livingston. It was such a relief to hear someone say something that I could recognize as being a realistic reflection of what she was like.

  3. Actually to be fair there was mention of it in an article by Severin Carrell in the Guardian. Yes you did read it right - Severin. His last two articles have been reasonably balanced. Though his editor did give us pro-independence supporters a telling off for being nasty to SC!

  4. Oh ... how Harry Potter.

    Wow.. balanced articles, whatever next PP.

    I'll go and see if I can find him...



  5. Herald's now running the story...

  6. Cracking photo Tris! :-)

    Regarding THAT story perhaps the Guardian and Herald are the thin end of the wedge and we might yet see other mainstream papers picking up on this amazing news that the Better crowd are being financed by someone with a dodgy, very dodgy, background. There again we might just see the story being swept back under the carpet again, best not hold you breath on this one!

    1. In additions to which, Arbroath, he doesn't even live in Scotland. However, as we can see he has financial interests with the Tory Party and with Oil.

      He probably doesn't want any oil money wasted on plebs.

      Yeah, it's a cracker :) Mr Thistle.

  7. This comment has been removed by the author.

  8. Sorry for going O/T Tris but have you seen this over on Rev Stu's site?


    It looks like certain individuals are getting rather hot under the collar concerning certain allegations and they think they can bully certain individuals into pulling these allegations from public view. Pity the idea of Freedom of the Press only appears to work under certain conditions these days!

    They seem to want to demand the allegations are withdrawn but there is no evidence produced, at least so far, that the allegations are false.

  9. Oh... I'm heading there now. Thanks for the warning.

    And you know I don't give a damn when people go off topic... So don't apologise ...OK?


    1. Just habit Tris.
      Always thought it was polite to apologise for going O/T :-)

  10. Bloody hell...

    I'm struck by the use of a downmarket legal firm that can't spell reverend (and don't have a spell checker), and that think that it is necessary to qualify the noun "lies" with the adjective "false", as if there were true lies available for use.

    I see the NOT FOR PUBLICATION instruction got kicked into the long grass.

    As the good Rev pointed out, you can't send unsolicited mail (even from a solicitor) and tell people that they can't publish it.

    Are they going to sue the Herald? I think the SNP had something on their website about it too.

    Oh well, he's an English Tory, and we all know what you can expect from them.

  11. PS: Is it safe to put the telly back on, or are they still dribbling at our expense about the old woman?

  12. http://tommyballgovan.blogspot.co.uk/2013/04/better-togethers-rightist-inspirations.html?spref=bl

  13. Andrew has written a good piece on this too...

