Wednesday, 17 April 2013

IMF DOWNGRADES BRITAIN AGAIN AND TELLS GIDIOT TO LOOK FOR A PLAN B a result of which, the twerp bubbles. And in the meantime Edinburgh turns out force.


  1. AWE, pair wee diddumsie is crying!

    Wonder WHEN he'll start to lose a few tears over the current employment and financial situation in UK! Oh I forgot HE along with BROON the Loon CAUSED this mess. I guess we will NOT be seeing him doing any crying over this then!

    1. Nope. Not a chance. The people affected by that are a subspecies. They went to ordinary schools, ordinary universities, and the wealth in no way affected the quality of their qualifications. They have no contacts. They are...well... just not quite the ting, so their misery doesn't matter.

  2. Tears of a sociopath.

    Nothing more, they're worth less than crocodile tears.

    Some serious hypocrisy in that picture, its the Tory way. They'll shed a tear for the loss of a conservative icon but not flinch when they're chucking families out of homes or forcing the sick and disabled in to abject penury in order to shore up the crumbling British State and the establishment pigs who perpetuate it.

    Gah, the entire day has been disgusting.

    1. I refer my honourable friend to my answer above LOL

      I saw a bit of it on the SCOTTISH news, although what it had to do with Scotland I'm damned if I know, and it was disgusting. Millions and millions of pounds wasted on a big party for the nobs.

  3. The UK is getting more like North Korea day by day with the fawning over this state funeral. Vote Yes in 2014 as there is no other way.

    1. I was choking myself laughing, CH, that the tubby wee lad marking his granddaddy's 101st birthday.

      Please, please tell me we won't have to have a big celebration on St Maggie's birthday!

      And now we have set the tone (if you'll pardon the pun), we'll have to do it all over again for Blair when he pops his clogs.

      We should have done the two of them together and saved on the expenses. Market Forcces.

      With a bit of luck and the wind behind us, however, the planting of Tony will be after the whole carry on is no longer out problem.

      Mind you, my mum, who did watch a bit of it, said that it was all beautifully done.

      I have to give it to the English, they put on a good funeral, as long as there is no expense spared.

      Diana, The Queen Mother, Maggie, ...we should export that.

      Any dictator want buried with full military honours...? We're just the chaps to give the old bastard a good send off. Loads of experience.
      (Argentinians should not apply)

  4. Maybe he's just starting to rattle for another line of coke ?

    1. Damn. I never thought about that.

      I wonder what he got up to this afternoon.

  5. Replies
    1. You musta really liked that one CH. You posted it the other day... :)

    2. I did on Niko's so that I knew where I had left it for its future use as my own bookmarks are swamped, sorry if I have double linked it here. I think a DVD should be sent to Os um Os whats his name as a leaving present.

    3. Ah I thought it was on here. I knew I'd seen it, and I knew it was from you...

      It's very good anyway.

      The oil isn't running out though Max. We got another 40 years of it.

      So Look at what Norway did with 40 years of oil income... and think how lovely Scotland will be...
