Saturday, 9 January 2016


1: Blue Mountains, Australia.

2: Buochs, Switzerland
3: Edinburgh.
4: Korea.
5: No idea where, but it's pretty.
9: We're both too little to be frightened of each other.
12: Switzerland. Who else does red trains (which run in the snow), dramatic scenery and awesome engineering?
13: This hairy dog is damned thirsty!
19: Pitlochry (thanks Gerry).
20: Bern, Switzerland.

22: Hawaii. 
24: North Iceland.
25: Peak District.
26: I bet Panda Paws was beginning to panic!


  1. Amazing picture of Edinburgh! Very spooky! Like something straight out of Dickens. Is this the party side of town? ;-))

    1. I see Conan has answered that Danny. Dean Village close to the centre, always seems to me like another world. I'd love to be able to afford to live there.

  2. Let me use the orangutan to go a little off topic and announce that it is snowing in New England, USA. (An obscure political allusion that will thrill the political cognoscenti who will understand the relevance.) For others, let me just say directly, that you'll soon be sorry that you made fun of us for giving you George W. Bush. BOY, have we got something in store for you NOW! As for the orangutan, that comes in about 5:15 in the clip.

    1. Ahhhh Danny. It's the Snows of New England, and the beginning of a year which, even here in Scotland, will be dominated by the seemingly never ending campaign for the White House.

      So we're another 4 years older from the last time, and 8 from the time before... and can you believe it, 12 since DubYa... and an horrific 16 since the beginning of that particular nightmare.

      Seriously no one here thinks for a second that your country will inflict Trump on us. You just couldn't.... could you?

      Alex Salmond predicted that in the three elections that will happen to us this year (well, two and a referendum) Nicola Sturgeon will be first minister, Hillary Clinton will be president, and Cameron will stand down after the referendum on Europe, because his party will be so split, and Theresa May will be the new prime minister of England.

      So it's gonna be a women's year...says Eck.

      Incidentally, if Donald is the result of a liaison between his mother and an Orangutan, all I can say is he musta inherited his intellect from his mum, and his hair from his dad. Orangs are way brighter and nicer than him.

    2. LOL.....yes, Donald would not be a great advertisement for Orangs. I think Eck is probably right. A better than even chance that it will be a political year for women. On the Republican side though, Trump's polling remains strong. So the first real vote test comes with the presidential primaries, and the New Hampshire primary is only 30 days away.....with South Carolina and Nevada only 11 days after that. The race is on! ;-))

    3. Let battle commence.

  3. Edinburgh, of all the cities I've ever visited; it's my favourite.

    1. Edinburgh has something special, there is no doubt. I've been to a lot of capital cities. I've liked them for different reasons... Paris, Luxembourg, Dublin, and Edinburgh are my favourites. But Edinburgh is at the top. Very special place.

  4. Yes Edinburgh, my hometown, born in Gorgie and spent a great part of my youth in Portobello. Pubs in Rose street were brilliant.

    1. Rose Street always seemed so exciting to much life, and colour. But I love the old town too. Fantastic buildings (well, mainly). Edinburgh has an air of olden days about it, and yet, it's a bustling modern capital city. Not sure how it manages to be so exciting.

    2. I guess so Conan... ;)

    3. Funny golfnut I am a Portobello girl living now in Fife in a wee village and the funniest thing about it is there are three former residents on Portobello here. I also worked for nearly 25 years in Gorgie beside the hallowed grounds of Hearts FC.

  5. Hah yes she was starting to worry. And after I wrote a blog post and said nice things about the blog too. No 24 puts me in mind of the year in Loch Lomond series I've just finished watching. I'd never heard of its Loch Occasional though tbf I think most of Scotland has a Loch Occasional at the moment. The scenery was lovely but reminded me how little of the world I'm seen with my own eyes.

    The baby elephants were adorable, as was the golden dog and I'm not a dog person (sorry Helena!).

    1. I watched that series too (at my mum's).

      I was amazed at the variety of wildlife, from snakes to whales and sharks, birds and mammals... Brilliant scenery. I had no idea Channel 5 made programmes like that!

  6. PP I forgive you, you either are or you aren't and I never expect everyone to love mine, sometimes I am not that fond. I laughed though at the one with the Pup and the Hedgehog and the explanation. Well Tris I have a little film on Youtube of mine as a Pup entitled Hektor and the snake, for a laugh it is really cute and mostly short. Hektor was little then and he was attacking my tape measure which he thought was a snake. So no dogs kind of seem to have the ladybird book of things they can eat programmed into their conciousness in mine's case it is do they have four legs.

    1. LOL... can you put up a link Helena?

    2. Here it is, gosh he was tiny then.

  7. It's Dean Village Danny. A little bit of the Home Counties within Edinburgh.

    1. Thanks Conan. Amazing looking place! Striking picture!

  8. Like the Pitlochry pic. Was at Tummell Bridge first weekend of their season last year. Love the area even if I can't afford to shop at Blair Atholl.


    1. A bit like Norway, Zog?

      I have a friend in Sweden doing his masters there. He and another mate visiting him went up to Norway for the weekend, staying in youth hostel for the night. They literally couldn't afford to eat while they were there, and waited till they were back over the border before they stocked up on food. A lesson for me if I go over this year.

      I've not been to Pitlochry for ages, but Gerry has a habit of whetting my appetite to go see something. So we'll head up there this year, when the weather is a bit better.

    2. There's a cracking wee restaurant half way down the main road. Can't remember the name but food brilliant service and reasonable prices.

      The whole area around Pitlochry is great, including Queen's View. But the road to Tummel Bridge at night is an experience it itself!

      Only thing to note: the caravan park is lovely at Tummel Bridge, but don't get anything out of their chippy - bogging.


    3. There speaks the voice of experience...

      I envisage a visit around April, when the spring is (hopefully) taking hold.

      The road to Tummel Bridge sounds exciting...
