Tuesday, 23 September 2014


He's not really prime ministerial material.

STV reports that David Cameron has been overheard talking about the queen’s reaction to the news that Scotland had voted No in the independence referendum. 
Bloody SPIV Cameron, he's really not our sort of person.
Cameron was talking to former mayor Michael Bloomberg whilst in New York for a UN meeting, and microphones picked up him saying that the queen "'purred down the line" when he relayed the news.

His exact words were… "The definition of relief is being the Prime Minister of the United Kingdom and ringing the Queen and saying 'It's alright, it's okay'.  She purred down the line."

So now we know that the Queen was on Better Together’s side.

We already know that during the campaign she authorised her grandson to announce his wife was pregnant, although it could easily have been kept quiet for a few more days, and we also know that so-called newspapers interpreted something she said to people at Crathie Church as indicating that she was on the No side.  But now we know straight from the mouth of her English prime minister that she was against the Yes campaign or 45% of the Scottish voters.

It is particularly  unfortunate that Cameron should decide to share private and confidential discussions between him and the queen with Mr Bloomberg, especially in a public place where microphones were in evidence. Cameron's government have been instrumental in removing senior members of the royal family from Freedom of Information legislation, in order to keep their interfering with the process of government secret from prying Guardian reporters. It seems a little unfair that facts kept from the British taxpayer who fund the queen's family's luxurious lives, should be randomly shared with foreigners who happen to share Mr Cameron's right wing politics.

I’m sure that the queen will be mindful in the future that when she tells him anything, he is likely to brag about it to anyone who will listen.

He went on to complain about the polling companies having given him ulcers with the close polls. He said he wanted to sue them.

So the lesson from this is, if you want a knighthood or a seat in the House of Lords, polling companies’ management, tell Cameron what he wants to hear. And if you’re the queen, don’t tell the loud mouth anything. He is, as my granny would say, a gossiping old fishwife.
So that didn't take long
That's the trouble with trying to be the same party
in two really different countries.
Practising for a coalition with UKIP?
Who indeed...? Anyway, don't you worry your, erm, pretty
little head about it. There's cereal plates that need washing.
Bless him, David Torrance get's Salmonded!


  1. Replies
    1. I don't care what she thinks either CH. I means she's not cold or hungry in the winter one way or the other, and neither are any of her family.

      My point is that the fool cameron couldn't help but show off to his Tory pal that he was the kind of dude wha phoned the queen in the middle of the night.

  2. I couldn't give a toss what Betty thinks, this is a woman who didn't even take her coat off, when getting the Scottish crown placed on her head. Labour and the national front, no surprise; playing to the knuckle draggers prejudices.
    Torrance slapped down like the unionist attack dog that he is, classic.
    Nicola, first minister; fan-fekin-tastic. Won't be long till we hear some tosser saying; " I'd vote SNP but, I don't like/trust ( insert any pathetic excuse you want) Sturgeon.

    1. Maybe it was that she saw Maggie Curran eyeing it up... she's got expensive tastes, you know.... and she thought to herself... that auld bitch will wheach ma jaiket if I tack it aff.

      Nicola will be great. Humza for deputy.

    2. In the last few days before the count, the 'No' voters excuses reduced to 'I don't like Alex Salmond'. Frankly, it is an obvious way to disengage, but it is also pathetic.

  3. Tris

    I really have no interest in anything the Windsor's have to say, if they had any decency they wouldn't be milking the public purse for everything they could. I just don't get why people who have nothing give a shit about a family who do nothing to get everything.

    I am more interested in the fact that every promise is being broken, even quicker than even I thought they would be, I never thought for one minute they keep to their word but fuck me they just don't care and you know what the NO voters are conspicuous by their absence. Really pisses me off that because of the ignorance and stupidity of a minority we are going to have to put up with this shit for the next few years while they squander our wealth while giving us even less back. They fucking saw Scotland coming and I will hold labour in the utmost contempt until the day I die, they really are the fucking scum of the earth. Sorry for the language but I hate them more than the Tories.

    We have to keep the pressure on and hope that they implode which they might, the collapse of labour should help and hopefully Scottish voters returning as many SNP MPs to Wastemonster next year, if Labour keep a majority of MPs in Scotland I will just give up. Surely the sheep can't be that stupid than to trust those bastards again.

    Cameron is just a toilet stain, but hey NO voters like him.


    1. No, nor have I Bruce. And let's be honest everyone knew what the Queen thought. She was bound to be for the status quo. My real point was that Cameron is supposed to treat his conversations with her as absolutely Top Secret. It's one privy councillor to another. And there he goes blabbing his big loose gob off to some blokey from New York.

      So the Queen will not be pleased and Cameron will get a slap... or probably just one of these looks.

      Pity she can't have his head chopped off.

      If it hadn't been for them lying about Devo Max I'd have taken the loss lying down. I'd have accepted that Scotland is the only nation in the world that does n't want to rule itself and I would have decided whether I was going to live abroad or accept that I have to live in North England.

      But they lied, and they broke their promises within 24 hours.

      So we fight, and we fight to win.

      A;ll the commentators are saying that the UK died on Friday. Thank god the dreadful place is over and done with.

      All we need to do now is make sure that we come out of it with the best deal, adn Ms Sturgeon is just the one to do that.

      Can';t see anyone who could compete.

      Someone told me they were thinking of Anas Sarwar or Dugdail for Labour leader...


  4. Great put down by Alex Salmond on the odious Torrance.

  5. Oh, really; no I don't think so.

    1. That was in response to that derma thingy, I assume the small, but mighty one removed it.

    2. Now you've lost me completely.....

    3. There was a post, saying how much they liked your blog with a link; something about" derma youth", turns out the site was all in Chinese (don't know which variety). By the time I posted the don' t think so part it had disappeared, I naturally assumed Munguin, himself removed it. Sorry for any confusion.

    4. Ahhhhh. Got you.

      I can;t get an appointment to see his furriness tonight. I think he's on a conference call with Rupert Murdoch, so I'll need to wait till the morning to check with him :)

      You get a hell of a lot of spam on here.... nope, sorry that's Niko!


  6. Miliband's planned address included these lines:

    "And in the four years since we lost the last election, we have learnt hard, important lessons. They start with government having to live within its means. "

    So what he was saying was that in the 13 years of Labour, with the great world saviour either as 2nd or 1st Lord of the treasury, Labour hadn't worked out that a government had to live within its means?

  7. You know what Tris.

    Ever since Friday, I've seen clips of Alex Salmond and more and more I'm convinced that since he is stepping down he is now starting to actually attack people and organisations more and more.

    I loved his put down of the BBC on Channel 4 the other night and now you show us his put down of Torrance. BRILLIANT!

    Look out folks. If you have ever tried to upset our Alex in any way shape or form YOUR days are numbered. LOL

    1. He is far more powerful now than he was as FM which I believe he is looking forward to with great relish, bring it on.

    2. Yes, I think that that is true.

      Being FM gives you responsibilities, a decorum you have to maintain.

      Soon he won't have that responsibility. He'll be a constituency member.

      Just an ordinary Jock.

    3. Arbroath... I'm glad i was nice to him.

      I paid for the drinks!

      Next time, Eck, it's your round.

    4. I've just realised Tris that I'm going to have to think up a new name for wee David Torrance. After all I already have a new name for Nick Robinson, Smackdown Nicky. Hmm, let me see now ... how about Knockdown Davy? LOL

  8. Gawd don't they just make you wanna puke, time they all got a real job, working for a pittance like we all have to.
    I see Ed missed out part of his speech, bit about the deficit, debt and immigration, all key factors in their manifesto, wonder why!
    Btw can't really see betty 'purring' down to anyone least ways davie boy ....... yeuch

    1. Maybe he woke her up in the middle of the night? She was still snoring?

      Yes, poor old Ed, probably noticed that the audience had fallen asleep and thought we'll switch to singing the "Ed Flag". They like that bit.

      I see his wife, Justine, is out to get all the people who think he's a weirdo.

      As far as I can see it's half the country, so I hope she has plenty of time.

  9. My, my, suddenly we believe the words of a PR Tory politician, who just needs to re-assure the No voters that they did the right thing?

    Hook, line and sinker :(


    1. The fact is that Liz taking Dave's word for it being OK was a tad premature..

      The whole UK is now going to hell in a hard cart.

  10. Tris: It kind of pi***d me off when the Queen just happened to go over to some bystanders after church (bystanders who she'd never talked to before), and there just happened to be some reporters close by to hear what she said (reporters who were never allowed close before), and she babbled on about how Scotland should carefully consider their decision (or words to that effect).

    Then it pi***d me off when I saw Tony Blair on a morning talk show here in the states yesterday. (He's on TV here a lot.) When asked about the outcome of the vote, he said he was greatly relieved. When pressed for his own views......he said something like......"it's the nation.....*pause*.....come on." The "come on" with a smirk and a shrug of his shoulders indicating the issue was just too silly for words, and unworthy of serious consideration.

    On a lighter note, while the Queen may not be cold in the winter, I've heard that she often IS cold in the summer......when she's at Balmoral. Apparently the place is cold and drafty, and lacks central heating. At least that's what I've heard.

    As for the picture you posted of her Majestic Highness, why is she wearing Wedgwood China on her head? Just when we thought that her hats couldn't possibly get any sillier.

    1. In fairness to the queen, she has managed so far (unlike her odious son) to hide her political leanings.

      She has allowed Charles to show his, which is a big mistake, but may in the end bring down their palaces crashing about their crowded heads. The recent marriage of William where all Tory ex PMs were invited and the two Labour ones were not, is an example of one of his clear failings.

      That said I'd not invite Tony Blair to anywhere. With his record, you never know when he's going to massacre people or slit their wrists and thats not what you want at your wedding. You leave that to the in-laws. That said, they invited the murderous King of Bahrain, so they must have been prepared for a bloodbath.

      I see his comment on tv made as much sense as most of what he says. I'd vote for his idea of going to war, as long as he is in the first ground contingent, with no proper transport or radios or equipment. The way he sent troops in the first time. That would be something to enjoy watching.

      As for the hat.... give up.

      It probably cost more than my house, but it looks a right cheap nasty thing.

  11. Why is Liz wearing a Wedgewood vase on her head?

    1. No surprize that you and Liz are on first name terms, Conan!

    2. Just because she snubbed you when she was in the islands and visited your next door neighbour, there's no need to be petty.

      I have it on good authority that HM calls Conan, Mr The Librarian.

      Munguin said!

    3. But she is wearing a Wedgewood Teapot on her head!

    4. A Wedgewood chanti (potty), perhaps; one never knows, when one needs a one or two.

    5. You have to use these things up when you get a new tea pot... or chanti.

  12. I guess this won't increase support for the monarchy amongst supporters of independence. Also, it might affect Cameron's chances of appearing on an honours list - what a shame (snigger, snigger).

    1. Cameron might find himself on the Blair, Brown list when it comes to Harry's wedding, if it ever comes to Harry's wedding. (ie sent a piece on cake in the post, but personna non grata on the day.)

  13. I'd love to be a fly on the wall the next time Cameron visits Queenie. He will probably have to offer her more tax-payer's money to further cosset the parasites. He'll probably blame Salmond or his pet monkey Darling.

    1. Another royal yacht ma'am?

      Straight away, ma'am.

      We'll get that spare aircraft carrier for which we have no aircraft fitted out like Windsor Castle ma'am.

  14. Strange that , the queen is a unionist !

  15. The only other occasion I could link politicians to cat sounds would be George Galloway on Big Brother. Is Cameron suggesting the queen was in a catsuit like Galloway! Spooky image.

    1. There are images that are best left untapped Iain.

  16. Roll out the Saltires for the next visit.

    This should be fun!

    1. Yes Gerry. No butchers aprons. just saltires!

  17. Greetings from Malaysia again...I love this, faux-pas of the highest level. I can imagine HM is not pleased ;P

    Just a point to highlight, never pick a fight with the royals even if you are a staunch republican. Several constitutional crises arose in Malaysia and only one PM came out least scathed. The classic legal maxim "the courts are not the proper forum to settle this dispute and/or will not get involved in a political dispute that has a political forum which can be used to resolve the same".

    In this fight for independence, you need all the allies you can gather. HM is as old school as the Queen Mother (god rest her soul) and she is set in her values. Nothing can be done about that. HRH Prince Charles is another story. He is strong willed and opinionated i.e. can be swayed by arguments if presented accordingly.

    I think that is why HRH is hated and vilified by most (plus Diana too). He makes you argue your position. Admitted independence is an argument HRH will find very hard to swallow but it can be done, if done properly.

    Scots must fight for independence deviously, like Ras al-Ghul did in Batman. Contextually this fight is no longer limited to Scotland but now UK wide. We must go to Westminster and start wreaking havoc there as we have done all we can in Holyrood.

    1. Hello to you again.

      You have rather a lot of princes in Malaysia, and if I remember rightly, they elect one of them to be the King?

      Interesting idea because it gives them at least some democratic legitimacy.

      I think we need to give them time to make a mess of what they have promised, as they will

      But I promise that if we don;t get what we were promised, they will not hear the end of it.
