Saturday 25 July 2015



  1. As always Tris the pics are AWESOME!

    1. Thanks Arbroath. Make a pleasant change from Fluffy!


  2. What the heck is number three from the top. Is it CGI for an incrediby short horned mammoth?

    Love it all, a usual. Cheers me up a lot.

    1. Indeed CH, that's what he is. This fellow lives in the North of Greenland.

      Glad you're cheered up, Douglas..


  3. oh those fox cubs are lovely as are the orang babies. And the koala and the elephant. Gorgeous views too.

    1. That anyone could derive pleasure for killing foxes is a matter of total mystery to me. I think they must be psychopaths.

      Glad you enjoyed. :)

    2. tris

      Yeah them lickkle baby foxes Conan skinned and gutted them
      and I made a nice fox tail soup followed by filet de bebe
      renard drizzled with BĂ©arnaise sauce.
      all washed down with copious amounts of chianti,

    3. Yum yum Niko.

      I'm thinking of making Niko stew next weekend... pop round. We couldn't do it without you!

    4. You'll need to boil it for a week or more just to get rid of the thrawness then marinade in h2so4 for another week, rinse in clean water until all acidity has gone before cooking as per Tripe instructions. Tip: a few packets of Rennies might be required for afters.

    5. LOL

      I was gonna feed it to the mice who live in my shed...but on the other hand, I might get done by the SSPCA from cruelty to poor mice.

  4. Soppy silly tris and the other girly type people who are a bunch of fraidy cats

    Here is a real pic to frighten and terrify you to hell
    look at it at your own personal peril
    you have been warned.


    And now have a lie down and still your terror filled beating heart

    1. Ha ha.

      Niko, you need to move with the times. It's not girly to love animals or bonny scenery.

      But I admit that scary pic is putting the fear of...well, Corbyn into some people.

      He's Tony Blair's worst nightmare. And for that I wish him all the best.

      I see there has been a huge jump in the Labour party membership since he has been in the running.

      And it looks like one member, one vote, is going to be abused to make him leader.

      The trouble was that the last leader they got that they didn't want, they blamed the system too, and it had to be changed.

      What bloody system will get them a leader that they want?

      I know. Tony Blair anoints the new leader with water form the Jordan mixed with his saliva, and the old Pope gives it his blessing...?

      Hows that?

    2. Well Good Luck Jeremy, with colleagues like yours you will need all you can get. The man is the only one in Labour speaking any sense all the rest are frauds. Don't you agree Niko.
      Lovely pictures Munguin and Tris, late on here but enjoyed all of them.

    3. tris, Helena

      watched him on the Marr show seemed to make perfect sense to me
      even under unfair verbal attack.....he has my vote in the bag

    4. If I were a memeber he'd have my vote Niko.

      I doubt if I'd agree with him about everything (as I don't with Skinner and Abbot, and I didn't with Benn), but he's by far and away the best chance we have of some decent government.

      However, either they will stop the contest, or if he is elected they will refuse to serve in the shadow cabinet, and try to bring him down.

      If they do either of these things, they are finished.

      Thanks Helena...

  5. Love the picture with the chimp amongst the banana's.

    1. As the resident primate "expert" on MR - well I've watched Monkey World, I feel I need to intervene here, Marcia. That picture is a capuchin monkey - ie. a monkey whereas chimps are, like us, apes.

      But yeah it's a great picture of the "cheeky" monkey

    2. LOL... PP is indeed head of our Primates Department, Marcia. She is a personal advisor on the subject to Munguin himself!

      I wouldn't have had a clue what the wee fella was, but he's cute as a button!!!

      (Where on earth did that expression come from?)(

    3. LOL, as I typed 'Chimp' yesterday I was sure someone would tell me the correct name and I was right. I should have typed, 'cheeky monkey' which for the record was my first choice of words.

    4. I'd be willing to bet that most readers wouldn't have had a clue either, Marica.

      Whatever he is, of course, he certainly looks cheeky!

  6. What or whose is the flag?

    Nice pics as always on Soppy Sunday.

    1. Greenland's flag, CH. My favourite country in the world.

      Thank you
