Wednesday 30 April 2014



  1. An excellent wee video. The pedant in me thinks it would be even better if "disasterous" was correctly spelled, and if "marshall law" was martial law.

    1. and nobility! But you are right an excellent history lesson for us all.

      O/t would Tris or Munguin consider adding the Wee Ginger Dug to the blog roll. I can't recommend it highly enough.

    2. I find that on quite a lot of these clever pieces of work, quite clearly intelligent people are unable to spell... and don't get their work checked by anyone who can.

      Of course I'm not exactly perfect in that matter myself. A few years ago, preparing material for a French class I was teaching, I headed a section "Roll Plays"... no, honestly I did... I even managed to translate it properly as "jeux de rĂ´le"... so you'd have thought... Oh well.

      Wee Ginger Dug will be a welcome addition to our blog roll, or role or roal.. or whatever it is...

      Please feel free to suggest anything else you want on there...

      I'd never thought about it as a Marshall Plan, Panda, but in a way I suppose it was... except probably more devious.

      The fact that the King of Scotland forbade his English colonies (crown colonies, which were HIS, to trade with his Scottish colonies, knowing what it would do to them, is yet another example of what a nasty wee sh*t he was.

  2. Mad Mags Curran (ah'm as daft as brush, me)April 30, 2014 4:50 pm

    It's unfair to expect someone of Johann Lamont's restricted abilities to be able to understand history when she doesn't even seem to be aware of the world around her.

    1. Well, maybe it is Mad Mags, but if she knows sod all about it, perhaps it would be better not to open her mouth.

      Everyone knows there was rioting in the street; everyone knows that the only people who were happy were the parliament; everyone knows that the parliament was not a democratically elected one (not that it is now).

      If Johann was one of the few who were off that day, she should have had someone check her speech. Trouble is, as we know that most of her stuff is written by Ed's people in London. And they have never been North of Watford.

  3. I would love to hear the FM's response to that little bit of faux history from Johann. Any chance?

    1. Hoi Bill...

      I could try to hunt around for it...

      If anyone else knows where it is... let me know and I'll put it up. After all, it is probably a real neat put down.

  4. Johann Lamont says " Scots are not genetically programed to understand politics!" Maybe she is just talking about herself !!!!

    1. I always thought that she was talking about her own immediate circle.

      Not a bloody clue.

    2. You could have flapped me sideways when she came out with that belter! Rolling about laughing!

    3. She has a certain talent for coming out with the most remarkable statements... Mind you, Iain Gray is a corker for that too.

      Remember: "Where will the oil fund come from?"


    4. Never lets forget bendy wendy. Every FMQs was a barrel of laughs for you SNP supporters... gad she was painful to watch!

    5. Well we have a trio of jokers now, Johann the lamentable, Ruth (why do I want to call her Rosie) the Robot, and not forgetting Willie (used to be my MP, I never voted for him) Rennie. When I get forced into watching FMQ. I wish they would simply submit one question, they generally are all the same any way.

    6. Poor old Wendy was blessed with some startlingly stupid researchers. Almost invariably Alex not only answered her questions, but was able to point out that her information was either wrong or at least out of date.

      I had oit from a good source that she used to go back to her office and castigate her staff... but it never made any difference. The next week was just as bad.

      At least she was bright enouvgh to see that once she had had her put down, it was best to try somerthing else.

      Johann is too thick to do that.

      JL: Why is the Forth crossing now being built with Scottish steel?

      AS: Because there aren't any steel mills in Scotland that could supply that kind of steel.

      JL: But why are we using foreign steel? Why not Scottish steel?

      AS: Because the UK government closed all the steel mills in Scotland and now we don't produce steel that could build bridges.

      JL: But why aren't we using Scottish steel?


      Well, ok, it wasn't quite in these words, but it was damned near it.


    7. Before the election, Iain Gray was pathetic, Tavish was pretty useless but at least there was some proper oppsition from Annabel Goldie.

      OK, she was a Tory, but she was, for the most part, sensible and business-like. I met her once and could really say that she was completely charming.

      Now we have a load of numpties. JoLo is a muppet, Willie's a joke and Ruth is David Cameron in a skirt... ie thick and useless.

      No wonder the government is still popular after 7 years.

  5. I heard she ended up as a truancy rounderupperer as her subject Inglish was beyond her genetic pool.

    1. LOL... It would be scary if she turned up at your door, right enough...

  6. Thank goodness I have no children because I suspect that there are quite a number of teachers who are akin to Johann Lamont, strangely they all turn up in the Scottish Parliament, Jock McConnell, Ian Gray, Malcolm Chisholm, known to a friend of mine as Jessie Chisholm, they taught at the same school for a short period, that was the children's name for him.
    Seem teaching's gain is the our loss. Funnily enough I know my History but they taught it at school in my day.

    1. I always thought Mr Chisholm was an OK bloke Helena.
      He seems to have a mind of his own and isn't one of their puppets that boos at everything the government says or does no matter if it is good or bad.

      That said I don't know him at all.
