Tuesday 8 May 2012


In the news today I noticed so many things that make living in Britain today what it is...a pain in the ass.
First story to catch my eye was about the committee of MPs who have looked at government plans for the railways, which will, at least in part, affect Scotland (not that we have that many trains). The findings are that trains will become more crowded, more expensive and that there will be fewer of them. Just what we wanted to encourage us out of our cars and on to the public transport.

An early day motion from MPs has noted that the cuts to funding the railways will "worsen passenger services through the loss of thousands of frontline workers from trains, stations, ticket offices, safety-critical infrastructure and operational roles", and "will result in higher fares, cuts in services and more crowded trains". So good news for us then!

Then I noticed that while the rest of the country's workers are getting rises of around 1%, the FTSE chief executives, most of whose companies have lost a vast amount in the past few years, are hauling in rises of around 11%. With inflation at around 4-5% (at least officially), they seem to do rather well out of their failure.

The next story that I read won't affect me personally, but it will affect friends of mine. It is that the cabinet of the UK government, operating as the English government (and therefore I hope that Scottish MPs didn't vote), have decided that they will NOT publish the risk assessments involved in their semi-privatization plans for the English Health Service. 

Lansley's excuse for the veto, after a 19 month campaign by the public to be told, is something to do with allowing officials to give ministers candid opinions, but of course the real reason is that in making vast amounts of money for the companies that will bid for this business, there are going to be huge risks to people's health. When cutting a corner can result in turning in a bit better profit, let's not be in much doubt as to which the private sector will chose. God help the poor English under the Tories. Still, I imagine it will cut the number of people making it to pension age. So that should please them.

It was depressing reading about the incompetence and insensitivity of the DWP writing to families with disabled children warning them that their benefit would be reduced, when it won't.... and I was about to give up on the news when I saw a few cracking good laugh stories...
It seems that Dave and Nick decided to relaunch the coalition today. And they chose as their theme, the economy... you know...creating more jobs and that sort of stuff... unfortunately they chose to do it in a company which is outsourcing jobs to China, from whence executives had to rush in order to meet up with the prime ministers. Nobs or what?

And then there was yet another community leader saying that the good old Big Society, better known by most of us as BS, was a complete shambles. And this was reportedly the reason that Cameron came into politics. Struth, don't you wish he'd not bothered.

So it wasn't all doom and gloom after all.


  1. What are these committee actually for? All they seem to do is state the obvious, are they no shit sherlock committees? If not, that is what they should be called.

    As for this so-called relaunch, I think I'll pass. I can no longer tell Cameron & Clegg apart, they're just two very similar horse-faced yah's who haven't got a fucking clue what they're doing.

    I reckon David Icke had a point when he talked about lizard people from space who look like humans, just look at them in that picture, think about Osbourne too. Human beings? Mmmm, I'm no longer sure. It's as if the lizard people only had one or two human templates to work from so they all look a bit similar. Maybe they had a credit crunch or energy crisis too so decided to invade us on a budget... Hold on, that sounds familiar...

    As you say, people living in England are not going to do well out of this crappy westminster coalition.

  2. Cameron and Clegg seem to me a bit like a pair of public school barrow boys.

  3. tris

    the scum Torys are just getting the railways ready for breaking up and for selling to there chums

    read here

    As for Lansley personally i am glad they have done this people will always imagine the worst...and it shows the vile treacherous character of these Tory scum.

    As for the relaunch just a big damp squib with Posh Boy telling all in the Mail how if he could he would but he cant(er! why not??) cos Clegg the bullyboy is stopping him..sob sob Tom Brown and all that
    they just cant get away from the Old Etonian ways can they

  4. First of all... sorry I couldn't reply yesterday. I was in Edinburgh all day, and when I got back last night the computer wouldn't let me in here, because, it said, there was a threat of virus from Better nation... Hum...

    I tried and tried last night, but I just couldn't get in, but today... voilĂ !

    So sorry to keep you waiting. I hate doing that!

  5. PA... Yes, if they were some sort of aliens that would explain everything!!!!

    Seriously, one of our best arguments for independence is... Well LOOK AT WHAT THEY ARE DOING TO ENGLAND!

    I'd be scared stiff of a privatised health service unless I had pots of money which, of course, they all do!

  6. Wolfie... All they need is a Reliant Robin!!!

  7. I imagine that is exactly what they are doing, Niko.

    Didn't they try that before and didn't it not work?

    Or is whether it works or not of no consequence at all to these people as long as it makes some money for them/their mates.

    They certainly may not be corrupt, but they give a very good impression of it.

    Cameron and his fag ... It may suit England, but it's not the way we want to live.

  8. Deary Deary me! Niko likes to ignore that the Labour party voted along with the Tories/Lib Dems on this privatisation of the English health service thingy and that Labour are just as eager to privatise the Post Office as well.

    These Labour numpties do not get it - If their party were in power just now they would be doing all the things that this coaliton are doing because David Icke,and all the others who say the same thing, are correct in their well researched facts - All of these parties are controlled by the same people - bankers, elte, illuminati etc.

    Not one of the political parties are highlighting the elephant in the room - this banking/financial system - that is robbing and controlling every country in the world. This alone tells you a lot about the political parties and who controls them. Nothing will be changed unless this system is changed and things are only going to get worst because of these parties.

  9. Deary Deary me! Niko likes to ignore that the Labour party voted along with the Tories/Lib Dems on this privatisation of the English health service thingy and that Labour are just as eager to privatise the Post Office as well.

    These Labour numpties do not get it - If their party were in power just now they would be doing all the things that this coaliton are doing because David Icke,and all the others who say the same thing, are correct in their well researched facts - All of these parties are controlled by the same people - bankers, elte, illuminati etc.

    Not one of the political parties are highlighting the elephant in the room - this banking/financial system - that is robbing and controlling every country in the world. This alone tells you a lot about the political parties and who controls them. Nothing will be changed unless this system is changed and things are only going to get worst because of these parties.

  10. If you stick your head in the sand for long enough Billy... it will all have gone away before you take it out...

    ...or maybe.

    I think when, if, the big bang comes, we'd be better to cope with it, without Mother England dragging us down thinking about the fur coat while the last pair of knickers wears out.
